
Publikationsliste des Lehrstuhls für Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft

peer-review articles


  • Ramedani, S., Kelesoglu, E., Stutzig, N., Von Tengg-Kobligk, H., Daneshvar Ghorbani, K., & Siebert, T. (2025). Quantification of training-induced alterations in body composition via automated machine learning analysis of MRI images in the thigh region: A pilot study in young females. Physiol Rep, 13(3), e70187[link] 


  • Holzer, D., Hahn, D.., Schwirtz, A., Siebert, T., & Seiberl, W. (2024). Decoupling of muscle-tendon unit and fascicle velocity contributes to the in vivo stretch-shortening cycle effect in the male human triceps surae muscle. Physiological Reports, 12, e70131.[link] 
  • Geldner J, Papenkort S, Kiem S, Böl M, Siebert T (2024) Active and passive material response of urinary bladder smooth muscle tissue in uniaxial and biaxial tensile testing, Acta Biomaterialia. doi: 2024.12.045 [link] 
  • D'Souza, S., Siebert, T., & Fohanno, V. (2024). A comparison of lower body gait kinematics and kinetics between Theia3D markerless and marker-based models in healthy subjects and clinical patients. Sci Rep, 14(1), 29154. [link] 
  • Frese, C., Siebert, T., Bubeck, D., Astner, I., Sitte, D., & Alt, W. (2024). Peak hip external rotation torque and single-rater reliability is influenced by measurement position in the ISOMED2000. Journal of Biomechanics, 112430. [link] 
  • Coenning, C., Rieg, V., Siebert, T., & Wank, V. (2024). Impact of contraction intensity and ankle joint angle on calf muscle fascicle length and pennation angle during isometric and dynamic contractions. Sci Rep, 14(1), 24929 10.1038/s41598-024-75795-2_[link] 
  • Borsdorf, M., Papenkort, S., Böl, M., Siebert, T. (2024) Influence of muscle packing on the three-dimensional architecture of rabbit M. plantaris, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, DOI106762 [link] 
  • Millard, M., Stutzig, N., Fehr, J., & Siebert, T. (2024). A benchmark of muscle models to length changes great and small. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 106740.[link] 
  • Millard, M., Franklin, D. W., & Herzog, W. (2024). A three filament mechanistic model of musculotendon force and impedance. Elife, 12[link] 
  • Tomalka, A., Weidner, S., Hahn, D., Seiberl, W., & Siebert, T. (2024). Force re-development after shortening reveals a role for titin in stretch-shortening performance enhancement in skinned muscle fibres. J Exp Biol. Aug 9:jeb.247377. doi: 10.1242/jeb.247377. [link]
  • Bubeck, F., Tomalka, A., Siebert, T., Roehrle, O., Gizzi, L. (2024). Altered muscle fibre activation in an antagonistic muscle pair due to perturbed afferent feedback caused by blood flow restriction. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. [ link]
  • Weidner, S., Tomalka, A., Rode, C., & Siebert, T. (2024). Impact of lengthening velocity on the generation of eccentric force by slow-twitch muscle fibers in long stretches. doi10.1007/s00424-024-02991-4 Pflugers Arch. European Journal of Physiology.[Link]
  • Goecking, T., Holzer, D., Hahn, D., Siebert, T., & Seiberl, W. (2024). Unlocking the benefit of active stretch: The Eccentric muscle action not the preload maximizes muscle-tendon unit stretch-shortening cycle performance. J Appl Physiol (1985).Doi:00809.2023[Link]
  • Blickhan, R., & Siebert, T. (2024). Note on hydrostatic skeletons: Muscles operating within a pressurized environment. Biol Open. [Link]
  • Sahrmann AS, Vosse L, Siebert T, Handsfield GG, Röhrle O (2024) Determination of muscle shape deformations of the tibialis anterior during dynamic contractions using 3D ultrasound.Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 12:1388907.[Link]
  • Danesini, P. C., Heim, M., Tomalka, A., Siebert, T., & Ates, F. (2024). Endomysium determines active and passive force production in muscle fibers. Journal of Biomechanics,168.10.1016/j.jbiomech.2024.112134 [Link]
  • Scherff, E., Schnell, S. E., Siebert, T., & D’Souza, S. (2024). Reference measures of lower-limb joint range of motion, muscle strength, and selective voluntary motor control of typically developing children aged 5–17 years Journal of Children's Orthopaedics. Journal of Children's Orthopaedics 1-10.[Link]
  • Papenkort, S., Borsdorf, M., Kiem, S., Böl, M., & Siebert, T. (2024). Regional differences in stomach stretch during organ filling and their implications on the mechanical stress response. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2024.112107Journal of Biomechanics, 168 [Link]
  • Sahrmann, A. S., Vosse, L., Siebert, T., Handsfield, G. G., & Röhrle, O. (2024). 3D ultrasound-based determination of skeletal muscle fascicle orientations. Biomech Model Mechanobiol.s10237-024-01837-3[Link]
  • Borsdorf, M., Papenkort, S., Böl, M., Siebert, T., Influence of muscle length on the three-dimensional architecture and aponeurosis dimensions of rabbit calf muscles, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2024), doi106452 [link] 


  • Christensen, K. B., Günther, M., Schmitt, S., & Siebert, T. (2023). Muscle wobbling mass dynamics: eigenfrequency dependencies on activity, impact strength, and ground material. Sci Rep, 13(1), 19575.[link]
  • Schneider, L., Sogemeier, D., Jaitner, T., Buchner, A., & Stutzig, N. (2023). Adaptions in back muscle activity in long-haul truck drivers during prolonged driving with and without seat-integrated stimulation. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 96, 103475.[link]
  • Fahse, N., Millard, M., Kempter, F., Maier, S., Roller, M., & Fehr, J. (2023). Dynamic human body models in vehicle safety: An overview. GAMM - Mitteilungen, 46(2).[link]
  • Rode C, Tomalka A, Blickhan R and Siebert T, 2023. Structurally motivated models to explain the muscle’s force-length relationship. Biophys. Journal 1–3. doi./10.1016/j.bpj.2023.05.026 [link]
  • Walter, T., Stutzig, N., Siebert, T., 2023. Active exoskeleton reduces erector spinae muscle activity during lifting. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 11, 1143926.[link]
  • Araz M, Weidner S, Izzi F, Badri-Spröwitz A, Siebert T and Haeufle DFB (2023). Muscle preflex response to perturbations in locomotion: In vitro experiments and simulations with realistic boundary conditions. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 11:1150170. [link]
  • Papenkort, S., Borsdorf, M., Böl, M., Siebert, T., 2023. A geometry model of the porcine stomach featuring mucosa and muscle layer thicknesses. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 142, 105801.[link]
  • Holzer, D., Millard, M., Hahn, D., Siebert, T., Schwirtz, A., Seiberl, W., 2023. Tendon compliance and preload must be considered when determining the in vivo force–velocity relationship from the torque–angular velocity relation. Sci Rep 13. [link]
  • Tomalka A, 2023. Eccentric muscle contractions: from single muscle fibre to whole muscle mechanics. Pflugers Arch. 2023 Apr;475(4):421-435. 10.2007-s00424-023-02794-z [link]
  • Klemm, L., Seydewitz, R., Siebert, T., Böl, M., 2023. Three-dimensional multi-field modelling of gastric arrhythmias and their effects on antral contractions. Comput Biol Med 153, 106488. [link]
  • Klaiber L, Schlechtweg S, Wiedemann R, Alt W & Stutzig N. (2023). Local displacement within the Achilles tendon induced by electrical stimulation of the single gastrocnemius muscles. Clinical Biomechanics. (Epub ahead of print). [Link]


  • Walter, F., Seydewitz, R., Mitterbach, P., Siebert, T., Böl, M., 2022. On a three-dimensional model for the description of the passive characteristics of skeletal muscle tissue. Biomech Model Mechanobiol.[link]
  • Tomalka A, Heim M, Klotz A, Rode C, Siebert T, 2022. Ultrastructural and kinetic evidence support that thick filaments slide through the Z-disc. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2022.0642 [link]
  • Kempter, F., Lantella, L., Stutzig, N., Fehr, J., Siebert, T., 2022. Role of Rotated Head Postures on Volunteer Kinematics and Muscle Activity in Braking Scenarios Performed on a Driving Simulator. Ann Biomed Eng. [link]
  • Trostorf R., Orcajo E.M., Pötzke A., Siebert T., Böl M., 2022. A pilot study on active and passive ex vivo characterisation of the urinary bladder and its impact on three-dimensional modelling, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105347 [link]
  • Weidner, S., Tomalka, A., Rode, C., Siebert, T., 2022. How velocity impacts eccentric force generation of fully activated skinned skeletal muscle fibers in long stretches. J Appl Physiol10.1152/japplphysiol.00735.2021[ link]
  • Siebert, T., Donath, L., Borsdorf, M., Stutzig, N., 2022. Effect of Static Stretching, Dynamic Stretching, and Myofascial Foam Rolling on Range of Motion During Hip Flexion: A Randomized Crossover Trial. J Strength Cond Res 36, 680-685.doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003517 [link]
  • Nitzsche, N., Siebert, T., Schulz, H., Stutzig, N., 2022. Effect of plyometric training on dynamic leg strength and jumping performance in rhythmic gymnastics: A preliminary study. Isokinetics and Exercise Science 30, 79-87. DOI: 10.3233/IES-210148 [link]



  • Papenkort, S., Böl, M., Siebert, T., (2021). Architectural model for muscle growth during maturation. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 20, [link] 
  • Leichsenring, K., Viswanathan, A., Kutschke, S., Siebert, T., Bol, M., (2021). Age-dependent mechanical and microstructural properties of the rabbit soleus muscle. Acta Biomater 134, 453-465. [link]
  • Christensen, K.B., Günther, M., Schmitt, S., Siebert, T., (2021). Cross‑bridge mechanics estimated from skeletal muscles’ work‑loop responses to impacts in legged locomotion. Sci Rep 11, [link] 
  • Borsdorf, M., Böl, M., Siebert, T., (2021). Influence of layer separation on the determination of stomach smooth muscle properties. Pflugers Arch. Eur J Physiol 473911–920(2021).doi:10.1007/s00424-021-02568-5[link]
  • Seiberl, W., Hahn, D., Power, G.A., Fletcher, J.R., Siebert, T., (2021). Editorial: The Stretch-shortening Cycle of Active Muscle and Muscle-tendon Complex: What, Why and How It Increases Muscle Performance? Front Physiol.doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.693141 [link]
  • Tomalka, A, Weidner S, Hahn D, Seiberl W, Siebert T, (2021). Power amplification increases with increasing contraction velocity during stretch-shortening cycles of skinned muscles fibers. Front. Physiol., doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.644981 [link]
  • Ryan, D.S., Stutzig, N., Helmer, A., Siebert, T. and Wakeling, J.M. (2021) The Effect of Multidirectional Loading on Contractions of the M. Medial Gastrocnemius. Front. Physiol.doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.601799. [link]
  •  Trostorf, R., Morales-Orcajo, E., Siebert, T., Böl, M., (2021). Location- and layer-dependent biomechanical and microstructural characterisation of the porcine urinary bladder wall. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 115,doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2020.104275. [link]


  • Holzer, D., Paternoster, F.K., Hahn, D., Siebert, T., Seiberl, W., (2020). Considerations on the human Achilles tendon moment arm for in vivo triceps surae muscle-tendon unit force estimates. Sci Rep10,19559 (2020) doi:10.1038/s41598-020-76625-x [link]
  • Papenkort, S., Böl, M., Siebert, T.,(2020). Three-dimensional architecture of rabbit M. soleus during growth. J Biomech 112.doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.110054 [link]
  • Held, S., Siebert, T., Donath, L., (2020). Electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis and gastrocnemius implicates a slow stretch-shortening cycle during rowing in the field. Sci Rep 10, 9451. (2020).110054 [link]
  • Tomalka, A., Weidner S., Hahn D., Seiberl W., Siebert T., (2020). Cross-bridges and sarcomeric non-cross-bridge structures contribute to increased work in stretch-shortening cycles. Front. Physiol.doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.00921  [link]
  • Held, S., Siebert, T., Donath, L., (2020). 10% Higher Rowing Power Outputs After Flexion-Extension-Cycle compared to an Isolated Concentric Contraction in Sub-Elite Rowers. Front Physiol 11.doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.00521 [link]
  • Häufle, D.F.B., Siegel, J., Hochstein, S., Gussew, A., Schmitt, S., Siebert, T., Rzanny, R., Reichenbach, J.R., Stutzig, N., (2020). Energy Expenditure of Dynamic Submaximal Human Plantarflexion Movements: Model Prediction and Validation by in-vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 8. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2020.00622[link]
  • Klemm, L., Seydewitz, R., Borsdorf, M., Siebert, T., Böl, M., (2020). On a coupled electro-chemomechanical model of gastric smooth muscle contraction. Acta Biomater.doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2020.04.007 [link]
  • Rockenfeller, R., Günther, M., Stutzig, N., Haeufle, D.F.B., Siebert, T., Schmitt, S., Leichsenring, K., Böl, M., Götz, T., (2020). Exhaustion of skeletal muscle fibers within seconds: incorporating phosphate kinetics into a Hill-type model. Frontiers in Physiology, section Striated Muscle Physiology.doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.00306 [link]
  • Schenk, P., Papenkort, S., Böl, M., Siebert, T., Grassme, R., Rode, C., (2020). A simple geometrical model accounting for 3D muscle architectural changes across muscle lengths. J Biomech.doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109694 [link]
  • Bauer, M., Morales-Orcajo, E., Klemm, L., Seydewitz, R., Fiebach, V., Siebert, T., Bol, M., (2020). Biomechanical and microstructural characterisation of the porcine stomach wall: Location- and layer-dependent investigations. Acta Biomater 102, 83-99.doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2019.11.038 [link]
  • Scharschmidt, R., Derlien, S., Siebert, T., Herbsleb, M., Stutzig, N., (2020). Intraday and interday reliability of pelvic floor muscles electromyography in continent woman. Neurourol Urodyn 39, 271-278. [link]
  • Andrada E, Blickhan R, Ogihara N, Rode C (2020) Low leg compliance permits grounded running at speeds where the inverted pendulum model gets airborne. J Theor Biol.doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110227 [Link]
  • Söhnel, K., Rode, C., de Lussanet, M. H., Wagner, H., Fischer, M. S., & Andrada, E. (2020). Limb dynamics in agility jumps of beginner and advanced dogs. Journal of Experimental Biology.doi:10.1242/jeb.202119 [Link]
  • Schumacher, C., Sharbafi, M., Seyfarth, A., & Rode, C. (2020). Biarticular muscles in light of template models, experiments and robotics: a review. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17(163), doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0413 [Link]
  • Held, S, Siebert, T., Donath, L. (2020). Changes in mechanical power output in rowing by varying stroke rate and gearing.  European Journal of Sport Science. doi:10.1080/17461391.2019.1628308 [link]


  • Schmid, L., Klotz, T., Siebert, T., Röhrle, O. (2019). Characterization of Electromechanical Delay Based on a Biophysical Multi-Scale Skeletal Muscle Model. Front. Physiol. 10:1270.  [link]
  • Tomalka, A., Röhrle, O., Han, J.-C., Pham T., Taberner, A.J., Siebert, T. (2019). Extensive eccentric contractions in intact cardiac trabeculae : revealing compelling differences in contractile behaviour compared to skeletal muscles. Proc Biol Sci, 286. [link]
  • Seydewitz, R., Siebert, T., Böl, M. (2019). On a three‑dimensional constitutive model for history effects in skeletal muscles. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology.  [link]
  • Borsdorf, M., Tomalka, A., Stutzig, N., Morales-Orcajo, E., Böl, M., Siebert, T., (2019). Locational and Directional Dependencies of Smooth Muscle Properties in Pig Urinary Bladder. Frontiers in Physiology - Gastrointestinal Sciences 10.  [link]
  • Stutzig, N., Ryan, D., Wakeling, J.M., Siebert, T., (2019). Impact of transversal calf muscle loading on plantarflexion. J Biomech. [link] 
  • Ryan D, Stutzig N, Siebert T, & Wakeling JM. (2019). Passive and dynamic muscle architecture during transverse loading for gastrocnemius medialis in man. Journal of Biomechanics. 86, Pages 160-166 [link]


  • Wick, C., Böl, M., Müller, F., Blickhan, R., Siebert, T., (2018). Packing of muscles in the rabbit shank influences three-dimensional architecture of M. soleus. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 83, 20-27. [link]
  • Siebert, T., Eb, M., Ryan, D.S., Wakeling, J.M., Stutzig, N., (2018). Impact of multidirectional transverse calf muscle loading on calf muscle force in young adults. Front Physiol. [link]
  • Morales-Orcajo, E., Siebert, T., Bol, M., 2018. Location-dependent correlation between tissue structure and the mechanical behaviour of the urinary bladder. Acta Biomater. [link]
  • Siebert, T., Stutzig, N., & Rode, C. (2018). A hill-type muscle model expansion accounting for effects of varying transverse muscle load. J Biomech 66, 57-62[link]


  • Siebert T, Tomalka A, Stutzig N, Leichsenring K, Böl M (2017) Changes in three-dimensional muscle structure of rabbit gastrocnemius, flexor digitorum longus, and tibialis anterior during growth. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 74, 507-519[link]
  • Tomalka, A., Borsdorf, M., Böl, M., & Siebert, T. (2017). Porcine stomach smooth muscle force depends on history-effects. Frontiers in Physiology - Gastrointestinal Sciences[link]
  • Christensen, K. B., Günther, M., Schmitt, S., & Siebert, T. (2017). Strain in shock-loaded skeletal muscle and the time scale of muscular wobbling mass dynamics. Scientific reports.[link]
  • Heidlauf, T., Klotz, T., Rode, C., Siebert, T., & Rohrle, O. (2017). A continuum-mechanical skeletal muscle model including actin-titin interaction predicts stable contractions on the descending limb of the force-length relation. PLoS Comput Biol, 13(10), e1005773.  [link]
  • von Laßberg C, Schneid JA, Graf D, Finger F, Rapp W & Stutzig N. (2017). Longitudinal sequencing in intramuscular coordination: A new hypothesis of dynamic functions in the human rectus femoris muscle. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0183204. [Link]
  • Tomalka A, Rode C, Schumacher J & Siebert T. (2017). The active force-length relationship is invisible during extensive eccentric contractions in skinned skeletal muscle fibres. Proc Biol Sci  284.[link]
  • Seydewitz R, Menzel R, Siebert T & Böl M. (2017). Three-dimensional mechano-electrochemical model for smooth muscle contraction of the urinary bladder. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater.10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.03.034 [link]
  • Moll K, Gussew A, Hein C, Stutzig N & Reichenbach JR. (2017). Combined spiroergometry and 31P-MRS of human calf muscle during high-intensity exercise. NMR in Biomedicine.  (Epub ahead of print)  [Link]
  • Stutzig N, Rzanny R, Moll K, Gussew A, Reichenbach JR & Siebert T. (2017). Interpretation of pH-heterogeneity in human muscle induced by neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 77(2),466. [Link]
  • Menzel R, Bol M & Siebert T. (2017). Importance of contraction history on muscle force of porcine urinary bladder smooth muscle. Int Urol Nephrol 49, 205-214. [Link]
  • Stutzig N & Siebert T. (2017). Assessment of the H-reflex at two contraction levels before and after fatigue. Scand J Med Sci Sports 27, 399-407. [Link]
  • Böl, M., Leichsenring, K., Siebert, T., 2017. Effects of Growth on Muscle, Tendon, and Aponeurosis Tissues in Rabbit Shank Musculature. Anat Rec (Hoboken) 300, 1123-136. [Link]
  • Rode, C., & Siebert, T. (2017). Muscle-Like Actuation in locomotion. In M. A. Sharbafi & A. Seyfarth (Eds.), Bioinspired Legged Locomotion: Models, Concepts, Control and Applications (pp. 564-589), Oxford: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. [Link]
  • Christian Rode, Tobias Siebert, Andre Tomalka, Reinhard Blickhan Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Published 2 March 2016, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.3030 Myosin filament sliding through the Z-disc relates striated muscle fibre structure to function.Volume 283 Issue 1826 [Link]


  • Stutzig N & Siebert T. (2016). Assessment of the H-reflex at two contraction levels before and after fatigue. D Scand J Med Sci Sports. [Link]
  • Reinhardt L, Siebert T, Leichsenring K, Blickhan R & Böl M. (2016). Intermuscular pressure between synergistic muscles correlates with muscle force. J Exp Biol 219, 2311-2319. [Link]
  • Funk S, Finke R, Zeh S, Siebert T & Puta C. (2016). Effects of a paraspinal-lumbar tape application during 7 days on the perceived area of tape contact. Physical Therapy in Sport 25,89-93 [Link]
  • Stutzig N, Rzanny R, Moll K, Gussew A, Reichenbach JR & Siebert T. (2016). The pH-heterogeneity in human calf muscle during neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26329,77, Issue6, 2097-2106. [Link]
  • Rzanny R, Stutzig N, Hiepe P, Gussew A, Thorhauer HA & Reichenbach JR. (2016). The reproducibility of different metabolic markers for muscle fiber type distributions investigated by functional 31P-MRS during dynamic exercise. Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik.  (Epub ahead of print)  [Link]
  • Siebert T, Kurch D, Blickhan R & Stutzig N.(2016). Does weightlifting increase residual force enhancement? Journal of Biomechanics 49(10), [Link]
  • Rode C, Siebert T, Tomalka A & Blickhan R. (2016). Myosin filament sliding through the Z-disc relates striated muscle fibre structure to function. Proc R Soc B., 283. [Link]
  • Siebert T, Rode C, Till O, Stutzig N & Blickhan R. (2016). Force reduction induced by unidirectional transversal muscle loading is independent of local pressure. J Biomech. 49, 1156-1161. [Link]
  • Stutzig N & Siebert T. (2016). The reproducibility of electromyographical and mechanical parameters for the triceps surae during maximal and submaximal plantarflexions. Muscle & Nerve 53(3), 464-470. [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1002/mus.24767. [Link]
  • Heidlauf T, Klotz T, Rode C, Altan E, Bleiler C, Siebert T & Rohrle O. (2016). A multi-scale continuum model of skeletal muscle mechanics predicting force enhancement based on actin-titin interaction. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. [Link]


  • Siebert T, Leichsenring K, Rode C, Wick C, Stutzig N, Schubert H, Blickhan R & Bol M. (2015). Three-Dimensional Muscle Architecture and Comprehensive Dynamic Properties of Rabbit Gastrocnemius, Plantaris and Soleus: Input for Simulation Studies. PLoS NE 10, e0130985.[link]
  • Nitzsche N, Stutzig N, Walther A & Siebert T. (2015). Effects of Plyometric Training on Rock'n'Roll Performance. International Journal of Kinesiology & Sport Science, 3(4), 8-15. doi:10.7575/aiac.ijkss.v.3n.4p.8. Vol3,No4. [Link]
  • Hochstein, S., Rauschenberger, P., Weigand, B., Siebert, T., Schmitt, S., Schlicht, W., Převorovská, S. & Maršík, F. (2015): Assessment of physical activity of the human body considering the thermodynamic system, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,[link]
  • Stutzig N, Zimmermann B, Buesch D & Siebert T. (2015). Analysis of game variables to predict scoring and perfomance levels in elite men's volleyball. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(3), 816-829. Doi:10.1080/24748668.2015.11868833 [link]
  • Weihmann T, Reinhardt L, Weissing K, Siebert T & Wipfler B. (2015). Fast and Powerful: Biomechanics and Bite Forces of the Mandibles in the American Cockroach Periplaneta americana. PLoS ONE 10, e0141226. [link]
  • Böl M, Leichsenring K, Ernst M, Wick C, Blickhan R & Siebert T. (2015). Novel microstructural findings in M. plantaris and their impact during active and passive loading at the macro level. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 51, 25-39.Doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2015.06.026 [link]
  • Morl F, Siebert T & Haufle D. (2015). Contraction dynamics and function of the muscle-tendon complex depend on the muscle fibre-tendon length ratio: a simulation study. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. [link]
  • Stutzig N & Siebert T. (2015). Muscle force compensation among synergistic muscles after fatigue of a single muscle. Human Movement Science, 42, 273-287.  [link]
  • Böl M, Ehret AE, Leichsenring K & Ernst M. (2015). Tissue-scale anisotropy and compressibility of tendon in semi-confined compression tests. J Biomech 48, 1092-1098.doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.01.024 [link].
  • Stutzig N. & Siebert T. (2015). Influence of joint position on synergistic muscle activity after fatigue of a single muscle head. Muscle & Nerve 51(2), 259-267.  [link]
  • Hahner J, Hinüber C, Breier A, Siebert T, Brünig H & Heinrich G. (2015). Adjusting the mechanical behavior of embroidered scaffolds to lapin anterior cruciate ligaments by varying the thread materials. Textile Research Journal, 1-14, online first, [link].

2014 und älter

  • Hochstein S. & Blickhan R. (2014) Body movement distribution with respect to swimmer’s glide position in human underwater undulatory swimming. Human Movement Science, 38, 305–318.doi:10.1016/j.humov.2014.08.017 [link]
  • Siebert T., Till O., Stutzig N., Günther M. & Blickhan R. (2014). Muscle force depends on the amount of transversal muscle loading. J Biomech 47, 1822-1828. [link]
  • Hiepe P, Herrmann KH, Gullmar D, Ros C, Siebert T, Blickhan R, Hahn K & Reichenbach JR. (2014). Fast low-angle shot diffusion tensor imaging with stimulated echo encoding in the muscle of rabbit shank. NMR Biomed 27, 146-157. doi: 10.1002/nbm.3046. Epub 2013 Oct 21[link]
  • Donath L, Siebert T, Faude O & Puta C. (2014). Correct, fake and absent pre-information does not affect the occurrence and magnitude of the bilateral force deficit. J Sports Sci Med 13, 439-443.PMC3990902 PMID: 24790502 [link]
  • Till O., Siebert T., Blickhan R. (2014). Force depression decays during shortening in the medial gastrocnemius of the rat. J Biomech 47, 1099-1103. [link]
  • Böl, M., Ehret, A.E., Leichsenring, K., Weichert, C., Kruse, R. (2014). On the anisotropy of skeletal muscle tissue under compression. Acta Biomaterialia. Doi:[link]
  • Pacholak, S., Hochstein, S., Rudert, A. & Brücker, C. (2014, in press) Unsteady flow phenomena in human undulatory swimming: a numerical approach. Sports Biomechanics, 13(2), 176-194. [link]
  • Siebert T, Till O & Blickhan R. (2014). Work partitioning of transversally loaded muscle: experimentation and simulation. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 17, 217-229 [link]
  • Hiepe, P., Herrmann, K. H., Gullmar, D., Ros, C., Siebert, T., Blickhan, R., et al. (2013). Fast low-angle shot diffusion tensor imaging with stimulated echo encoding in the muscle of rabbit shank. NMR Biomed.  [link].
  • Scharschmidt R, Stutzig N & Derlien S. (2013). Effects of conservative therapy for women with postnatal incontinency. Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin 23,1-7.[link]
  • Schenk P, Siebert T, Hiepe P, Gullmar D, Reichenbach JR, Wick C, Blickhan R & Bol M. (2013). Determination of three-dimensional muscle architectures: validation of the DTI-based fiber tractography method by manual digitization. J Anat.[link]
  • Böl M, Leichsenring K, Weichert C, Sturmat M, Schenk P, Blickhan R & Siebert T. (2013). Three-dimensional surface geometries of the rabbit soleus muscle during contraction: input for biomechanical modelling and its validation. Biomech Model Mechanobiol[link]
  • Siebert T, Günther M & Blickhan R. (2012a). A 3D-geometric model for the deformation of a transversally loaded muscle. J Theor Biol 298, 116-121. [link]
  • Morl F, Siebert T, Schmitt S, Blickhan R & Gunther M. (2012). Electro-mechanical delay in Hill-type muscle models. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 12,18 pages.  [link]
  • Böl M, Schmitz A, Nowak G & Siebert T. (2012). A three-dimensional chemo-mechanical continuum model for smooth muscle contraction. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 13C, 215-229. [link]
  • Ostermann S, Herbsleb M, Schulz S, Donath L, Berger S, Eisentrager D, Siebert T, Muller HJ, Puta C, Voss A, Gabriel HW, Koch K & Bar KJ. (2012). Exercise Reveals the Interrelation of Physical Fitness, Inflammatory Response, Psychopathology, and Autonomic Function in Patients With Schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull.   [link]
  • Stutzig N, Siebert T, Granacher U & Blickhan R. (2012). Alteration of synergistic muscle activity following neuromuscular electrical stimulation of one muscle. Brain Behav 2, 640-646. [link]
  • Böl M, Kruse R, Ehret AE, Leichsenring K & Siebert T. (2012). Compressive properties of passive skeletal muscle-The impact of precise sample geometry on parameter identification in inverse finite element analysis. J Biomech 45, 2673-2679. [link]
  • Muller R, Siebert T & Blickhan R. (2012). Muscle Preactivation Control: Simulation of Ankle Joint Adjustments at Touchdown During Running on Uneven Ground. J Appl Biomech 28, 718-725.[link]
  • Maas R, Siebert T & Leyendecker S. (2012). On the relevance of structure preservation to simulations of muscle actuated movements. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 11, 543-556. [link]
  • Voelzke M*, Stutzig N*, Thorhauer HA & Granacher U. (2012). Promoting lower extremity strength in elite volleyball players: Effects of two combined training methods. J Sci Med Sport 15(5), 457-462. (*authors contributed equally to this work) [link]
  • Hochstein, S, Blickhan, R (2011) Vortex re-capturing and kinematics in human underwater undulatory swimming. Human Movement Science, 30(5), 998–1007. [link]
  • Siebert T, Weihmann T, Rode C, Blickhan R (2010) Cupiennius salei: biomechanical properties of the tibia–metatarsus joint and its flexing muscles. J comp Physiol B 180, 199-209. [link]
  • Till O, Siebert T & Blickhan R. (2010). A mechanism accounting for independence on starting length of tension increase in ramp stretches of active skeletal muscle at short half-sarcomere lengths. J Theor Biol266, 117-123. [link]
  • Rzanny R, Stutzig N, Gussew A, Burmeister HP, Kaiser WA, Thorhauer HA & Reichenbach JR. (2010). Monitoring training-induced metabolic adaptations in the M. gastrocnemius of volleyball players by 31P-MRS. IFMBE proceedings 25, 453-456. [link]
  • Thorhauer HA, Michel S, Stutzig N, Hoffmann L, Werner F. (2010). Muscle control at fatigue-induced pre-impact in strength training. The German Journal of Sports Science. 40(3), S. 182-190. [link]
  • Günther M, Grimmer S, Siebert T, Blickhan R. (2009) All leg joints contribute to quiet human stance: A mechanical analysis. J Biomech. 42, 2739-2746. [link]
  • Rode C, Siebert T & Blickhan R. (2009). Titin-induced force enhancement and force depression: a 'sticky-spring' mechanism in muscle contractions? J Theor Biol259, 350-360. [link]
  • Rode C, Siebert T, Herzog W, & Blickhan R (2009). The effects of parallel and series elastic components on the active cat soleus force-length relationship. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 9(1), 105-122. [link]
  • Till O, Siebert T, Rode C & Blickhan R. (2008). Characterization of isovelocity extension of activated muscle: a Hill-type model for eccentric contractions and a method for parameter determination. J Theor Biol255, 176-187. [link]
  • Siebert T, Rode C, Herzog W, Till O, Blickhan R (2008) Nonlinearities make a difference: comparison of two common Hill-type models with real muscle. Biol Cybern 98 (2), 133-143. [link]
  • Siebert T, Sust M, Thaller S, Tilp M, Wagner H (2007) An improved method to determine neuromuscular properties using force laws – From single muscle to applications in human movements. Human Movement Science26, 320-341. [link]
  • Wagner H, Siebert T, Ellerby DJ, Marsh RL, Blickhan R (2005) ISOFIT - A model-based method to measure muscle-tendon properties simultaneously. Journal of Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 4,10-19. [link]
  • Siebert T, Wagner H & Blickhan R (2003) Not all oscillations are rubbish: Forward simulation of quick-release experiments. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 3(1), 107-122. [link]
books / book sections
  • Siebert, T., Screen, H.R.C., Rode, C., 2021. Computational modelling of muscle, tendon, and ligaments biomechanics, in: Jin, Z., Li, J., Chen, Z. (Eds.), Computational Modelling of Biomechanics and Biotribology in the Musculoskeletal System, Second Edition ed. Elsevier, Cambridge, pp. 155-186. [link]
  • Rode, C., & Siebert, T. (2017). Muscle-Like Actuation in locomotion. In M. A. Sharbafi & A. Seyfarth (Eds.), Bioinspired Legged Locomotion: Models, Concepts, Control and Applications(pp. 564-589), Oxford: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. [link]
  • Siebert T & Rode C. (2014). Computational modeling of muscle biomechanics. In Computational Modelling of Biomechanics and Biotribology in the Musculoskeletal System, 1st edn, ed. Jin Z, pp. 173-243. Woodhead Publishing / Elsevier, Amsterdam. [link]
  • Siebert T & Blickhan R. (2011). Biomechanik - vom Muskelmodell bis zur angewandten Bewegungswissenschaft, vol. 219. Feldhaus-Verlag, Hamburg. [link]
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