Introduction: Converter 12 Volt to 5 Volt

About: I am a student of BSCS but I'm interested in electronics that's why I would like to think about innovative ideas and try to build my ideas into reality and i also interested in making a robots. email id: degen…

Hello! friends welcome to my another project. In this project i'm gonna show you how to charger your smartphones. If you don't have your smartphone charger then no problem with the help of the gadget you can charge your smartphone very easily. The input of this converter is not more than 12 volt or you can use 9 volt also but in case of 9 volt the charging time is definitely increased. You can use any 12 volt charger like routers, switches etc.

So let's get started...

Step 1: Circuit Diagram

Here it is the circuit diagram. We can build our tiny little converter with the help of this diagram.

Step 2: Components

You'll need

small piece of vero board

A candy box (you can buy your nearest candy shop)

Female usb port

12 volt female connector according to your charger

IC: LM7805

Capacitors: 100nf x 2 (non-polarized), 100uf (polarized) and 47uf (polarized)

Resistors: 1k and 470 ohms

Led: Red

Spst on/off switch

Step 3: Placing and Soldering Components

place your components according to circuit diagram and then soldering it very carefully don't forget to soldering a female usb port and a switch in a candy box cap.

Step 4: Fitting

Now fit your chip into a candy box and make hole at the end of the box for input.

Step 5: Finish

Finally your 12 volt to 5 volt portable gadget is look like this.

I hope you guys like it.

Thanks for watching.