Introduction: Electric Motorcycle Creation
Step 1: First Motorcycle Ideas
I drew the first ideas for the bike on paper and roughly looked for the materials and looked at it with pictures, although I finally did it in 3D design.
Step 2: Research and Purchase of Materials:
I bought an electric kit for Amazon. I got the rest of the materials on the go.
engine kit
Step 3: Tools Used:
To make the bike I used these tools.
- Soldering iron
- Drill
- Claus Allen
- Wrench
- Gloves
-beak parrot
-bench snail
- Polisher
- pliers
Step 4: 3D Chassis Design:
I drew the chassis with a pencil and the design I liked the most I made it in 3D with the Tinkercad program.
Step 5: Construction Material
I used iron to make the bike because it's cheaper and I can work on it because I can't weld aluminum. Iron is also easy to obtain but weighs quite a bit.
Step 6: Chassis Construction
First I got the irons to size, then I cut them and glued them to size like the 3D designs. and finally I welded the chassis.
Step 7: Electronics
I connected the motorcycle electronics to it. I soldered the wires as you see in the picture. I connected the accelerator LCD to the engine and battery. Low solder to the wires to avoid short circuit.
Step 8: Assemble the Pieces
This step I made the chassis to the size of the steps and mounted the steps to the chassis.
Step 9: Driving and Functional Tests
When I finished the chassis I mounted the whole bike to test if it was going well or grandma to change something like for example I changed the brake support and roughly I was ready to review the welds.
Step 10: Preparation for Painting
First I went over the welds on the chassis, and roughly put in the putty. I roughly polished all the putty and cleaned the chassis to paint.
Step 11: Painting
Per pintar la bicicleta vaig penjar el xassís i vaig mullar el terra per no aixecar pols. Després vaig fer dues capes d’imprimació en spray dues capes de pintura i finalment dues capes de laca.
Step 12: Final Touches
Finally I mounted the whole bike I put the pair cables inside the chassis so it is not seen. I send you I cleaned the steps and I go to cava to paint the bike. Also put lights.
Step 13: Power Figures
The bike has a 1500w and 48v motor. It reaches about 63 km / h.
The battery is 48v and 12A the battery lasts about 25 km on a charge.
The engine does not wear out but the battery does.
You can do up to 100,000km without doing any rough maintenance would change the battery.
Step 14: Positive Things About Electric Motorcycles
- You do not have to do any maintenance.
- Recharge the battery and it costs € 0.5.
- Does not pollute and does not make noise.
- You don't have gears, you just have to accelerate. - The motor does not need chains.