Introduction: Bitcoin Mining on Raspberry Pi2
Gather The Parts.
You will need a Raspberry Pi 2
A powered USB hub ( Please do not cheap out on this)
Antminer U1/U2/U3
Raspberry pi heatsink with fan
Step 1: Credit
Step 2: Setup USB and Heatsink
Setup with the USB bitcoin miner to the USB powered hub with fan.
USB hub must be at lest 1.5 - 2.0 amps.
Also the Rpi heatsink and fan. You need this heatsink and cooling fan if you are overclocking the Rpi for maximum mining capability and planning to keep the raspberry pi up 24/7 without burning the core processor.
Step 3: SD Card Setup and Putty
Install fresh Raspian on your SD card with a minimum of 8gb.
Install Putty software and get into the terminal.
As for all Linux machines, update and upgrade.
Step 4: Installation
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev screen libtool automake pkg-config libjansson-dev screen
Use this code to use to install independencies.
git clone
cd cgminer
sudo ./ export LIBCURL_CFLAGS=’-I/usr/include/curl’ sudo ./configure --enable-bmsc sudo make
sudo ./cgminer --bmsc-options 115200:0.57 -o POOL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD --bmsc-voltage 0800 --bmsc-freq 1286
Paste this code in every time you need to reboot the raspberry pi.
Step 5: Pools
You can solo mine or pool mine. I made 20 bucks in 3 days. I recommend Bitminter because of its easy gui.