Introduction: Honeycomb

I first made this as a teenager. It is magic the way it changes from liquid caramel to a froth which sets into a crunchie.

Step 1: Ingredients

100 g castor sugar
2tablespoons golden syrup
1.5 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda

Step 2: Make the Caramel

Put the sugar and the golden syrup on a saucepan and heat gently, swirling, until the sugar melts into a caramel. Heat until golden brown.

Step 3: Add the Bicarb

Add the bicarbonate and stir, it will froth up into a foam. Pour into a tin lined with well-greased foil. Leave to cool.

Step 4: The Finishes Honeycomb

Turn out of the tin and break up into pieces.

You can dip it in chocolate to
Make home-made crunchies.

Fold into ice cream or break up and use to decorate desserts.