Introduction: Lantern Made From Plastic Water Bottle

About: I'm a DIY kinda guy
This will show you how to make a garden lantern from a plastic bottle and a battery operated tea light.
It don't take to long to make and the cost if you don't facter in the cost of the water less then a buck.

Step 1: Gather Up All Your Equiptment?

Not to much needed in the way of tools.
first you need a sharp knife of some sort. I used a box cutter.
A pair of needle nose pliers.
You might need a small drill with a bit. I used a cordless because I can can control the speed better.
parts needed are:
a Bottle
a battery operated tea light. Picked them up at the local buck or two store for 2 for a buck.
a short piece of wire, use sold wire if you can find it, or string if you want.

Step 2: Preping the Bottle

1st Rinse out the bottle ( If you had pop in it like mine did and it made a sticky mess.) and peel off the label.

Step 3: Cutting Flap Part 1

2nd cut a slit near the bottom of the bottle.
About 1 1/2 inches long. (I'm from the old school not to good at converting to metric.)
I choose to cut it in the smooth part. A lot less resistance there after all the knife is sharp.

Step 4: Cutting Flapp Part 2

3rd cut up on both sides of the line about 1 1/2 inches.
do not cut a cross the top. we are just making a flap here.
The reason for this is that unless you look closely it's almost invisible. If you cut it all out you have a hole, Not very attractive.

Step 5: Prepping the Top

This step is not necessary if you don't want to hang it.
Take of the top and drill a small hole in it to fit the wire through.

Step 6: Wire

Now take the wire and stick it in the hole
Form a very small loop at the end that goes in the bottle.
Form a bigger loop at the top.
if you use string feed both ends of the string through.
tie a big knot so it don't slip out.

Step 7: Last Step for the Top

Screw it back on the bottle.

Step 8: Tea Light

Now go back to your flap push it in.
Now turn on your tea light insert it in the hole
take out you finger and walla instant lantern.

Step 9: Use

Make lots of them and you can use at night. by hanging them in trees or put them along side a walkway to mark a path.
Infinite uses and except for the battery is environmentally friendly.
I don't have a picture of it out side cuz it's -26C out there and the snow would ruin the effect anyways.
Remember to recycle the battery when it's dead.
BTW the light lasts a lot longer then a flame light.


Update I now have a picture of it shinning in the dark. Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't think of that. just to excited to get the instuctable up.