Tackling organized crime in Chile
Chile has a 6,500 km stretch of Pacific coast linking the largest ocean with drug-producing countries across the world. This extensive, remote geography presents challenges for tackling transnational organized crime, particularly as it relates to detecting synthetic drugs from Europe.

Other crime areas affecting the region are money laundering and cybercrime. With criminal networks invariably operating on a global level, it is essential for Chile’s law enforcement to have at its fingertips a global police cooperation tool enabling it to work with law enforcement in all continents.
The INTERPOL NCB in Santiago is part of Chile’s ‘Policía de Investigaciones de Chile – PDI’, or Criminal Investigations Police. The PDI is Chile’s operational and intelligence police unit in charge of serious crime investigation.

Staffed with 25 police officers and nearly 20 administrative staff, INTERPOL Santiago is the PDI’s principal operational police platform for criminal and strategic intelligence sharing.

The NCB is Chile’s lead agency for taking criminal investigations beyond national borders through international police cooperation, and takes part regularly in INTERPOL’s global police operations.

National law enforcement in Chile
Chile’s two main public security bodies are the PDI and the Carabineros.

With a strength of 12,600 officers, the PDI police is part of Chile’s Ministry of Interior.
Chile’s main intelligence body is the National Intelligence Agency (Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia – ANI).

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