GE Stock Reaches 6-Year High as GE Aerospace Announces Plans for $15 Billion Stock Buyback

GE logo on a GE Aviation CF6-80C jet engine that's part of an Airbus A300-600 aircraft

Balint Porneczi / Bloomberg / Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • GE Aerospace announced Thursday that when it becomes a standalone company in April, it plans to buy back $15 billion in shares.
  • The company also plans an initial dividend payout at 30% of net income.
  • GE Aerospace will be what remains of the original General Electric following GE's breakup into three separate companies.
  • Shares of parent General Electric rose to their highest level in more than six years Thursday, and have advanced more than 80% in the last year.

General Electric (GE) shares rose to their highest level in more than six years Thursday after the company’s GE Aerospace business announced a planned $15 billion stock buyback as it prepares to become a standalone company April 2.

The aerospace unit will be what remains of the traditional GE following its split into three, separate companies that was announced in November 2021.

GE Aerospace said at its Investor Day Thursday that the buyback, along with dividends, would be part of its plan to return 70% to 75% of available funds to shareholders. That includes an initial dividend payout at 30% of net income

In addition, the company reaffirmed its earnings guidance and presented a longer-term outlook, projecting operating profit of about $10 billion in 2028.

Lawrence Culp, CEO of GE and GE Aerospace, said that “our financial outlook demonstrates confidence in our future, with a robust market and demand for our products and services underpinning continued growth across revenue, operating profit, and cash generation."

GE shares have nearly doubled in value over the last year, and reached their highest price in more than six years Thursday. At the close, they stood at $166.50, up 4.4% on the day.



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  1. GE Aerospace. "GE Aerospace Hosts 2024 Investor Day."

  2. General Electric Co. "GE Plans To Form Three Public Companies Focused on Growth Sectors of Aviation, Healthcare, and Energy."

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