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Are you looking for the meaning of Inviul? 🙂

We believe you would have a question in your mind about the meaning of Inviul. We bet you won’t get the meaning of Inviul on the entire web, except this page.

Inviul.Com itself referred as to know the meaning of Inviul.

Let us reveal you the meaning of Inviul.


How to define Inviul?

Inviul is the coinage of two powerful words.

That is, Invi and ul.

Invi is taken from the word- Invincible.

UL is taken from the word- Soul. So Inviul altogether looks like Invincible Soul.


How this idea took place?

Each and every entity on this earth is made up of an immortal object, which we call as soul. Our soul is immortal. The soul exists, our body only dies. I thought to give some uniqueness to the brand name since it was attached to our immortal soul. That is why we have chosen INVIUL as our blog’s name.


What kind of topics the Inviul Blog covers?

Inviul is the multi niche blog. It covers various topics under below categories:

Life 2.0

We named Life 2.0 as the life with the second inning. We believe the second inning in life should be inning with Victory. People learn by committing various mistakes. We will guide you in a proper manner regarding real life problems, be it in Love & Relation, Quit Addiction, Motivation, Inspiration, Happiness and much more.

Health & Fitness                                                                                                                                          

We will share Health related guides by getting in touch with experts under this section. We will also share some fitness tips to be fit in daily life.


The wheels of life move on with wealth. So we will cover various economics practices. Also, we will share information on Investment, Money management, Indian & World economy and much more.


If we are covering above section then how can we miss foods!

There is a great happiness in food, so we will share some healthy cooking tips.


Today technology has a great place in our life. It became handy to us. We will share some latest tech news in this section.

Apart from above categories, we may upgrade category section by introducing new categories.


Who is the man behind Inviul?

Avinash Mishra (Founder, Blogger)

All the above ideas came in the mind of Avinash Mishra. He is in professional blogging since 2012. Earlier he was the sole blogger at MakeMeNoise. thus, due to some adverse circumstances in life, that blog has been shut down.

Those adverse circumstances again motivated him to write blogs.

Avinash Mishra- Man behind Inviul

Avinash Mishra

Read more about-  Avinash Mishra


Sandeep Kumar Dan (Chief Technical Officer)

He is a professional web developer and freelancer. He is a computer engineer academically, but he has chosen to solve web problems. Currently, he is the chief technical officer at Inviul Blog. He is the mastermind of PHP coding. Connect with him on twitter for any PHP related queries. You can call him KD.


Connect with us

You can connect with us on social media. You can also drop us email at [email protected]

Thank You!


Team Inviul