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SUBSCRIBEIf you have been affected by an issue raised in an Irish
Examiner article, please see below for a list of websites offering support
services and their helpline numbers.
Call 01 842 0700
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Call 1800 341 341
Mental health support for those impacted by depression, bipolar disorder &
anxiety.Call 1800 80 48 48
A youth organisation supporting LGBTI+ young people in Ireland.Call 01 670 6223
The Eating Disorders Association of Ireland.Call 01 210 7906
Call 1800 66 66 66
Focus Ireland
For families, people or children at risk or affected by homelessness.Call 01 881 5900
Gamblers Anonymous
For those experiencing or recovering from a gambling addiction.Call 01 872 1133
Mental health support & recovery.Call 1890 474 474
National Centre for Youth Mental Health.
Money Advice & Budgeting Service.Call 0818 072 000
Men’s Aid
For male victims of domestic abuse.Call 01 554 3811
HSE support service for unplanned pregnancy.Call 1800 828 010
National Drugs Helpline
Call 1800 459 459
Help for people who are suicidal and/or engaging in self-harm.Call 1800 247 247 or 01 623 5606
Rape Crisis Centre
Call 1800 77 8888
Call 116 123, text 087 2609090 or email
Support for people affected by mental ill health.Call 01 541 3715
National housing charity.Call 1800 454 454
Women’s Aid
Information and support for victims of domestic violence.Call 1800 341 900
HSE Mental Health SupportInformation on what mental health supports and services are available and how to access HSE services or HSE-funded services Freephone 1800 111 888
Sexual Assault Treatment Units
For information on all your care options if you have been raped or sexually assaulted.
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