When you are in the city of our Holy Prophet (PBUH), Ziyarah should be one of the top things on your to-do list. Ziyarah is basically the visit to landmarks associated with prominent Islamic figures. After the visit to Masjid-e-Nabvi, you can visit several places in and around the city which hold great historical significance in Islam. Here’s a list of places that you must visit when in Madina.
1. Masjid-e-Quba
This is the first mosque in Islam. It is situated around 3 km away from Masjid-e-Nabvi. According to a Hadith, 2 raka’at nawafil here are equivalent to an Umrah.
“Whoever purifies himself in his house then comes to the mosque of Quba’ and prays there, he will have a reward like that for ‘Umrah.” (Ibne Majah, 6154)2. Masjid-e-Jummah
This mosque is near Masjid-e-Nabvi. When the Prophet (PBUH) was migrating from Makkah to Madinah, he offered the Friday prayer at this location, hence the name.
3. Masjid-e-Zarrar
The Munafiqin met in this Masjid to conspire against the Muslims, hence, on the orders of the Prophet (PBUH), the Masjid was burned. The ruins are still present. The incident is also mentioned in the Quran:
“And there are those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity….” (Quran 9:107)4. Masjid-e-Ghamama
Here the Prophet (PBUH) offered prayers for rain. It is also known as Masjid-e-Eid as the Prophet (PBUH) and the Sahabah used to offer Eid prayers here.
5. Masjid-e-Abu Bakr
This is very near to Masjid-e-Ghamama. Abu Bakr (RA) used to reside here. Later on, it was built into a mosque.
6. Masjid-e-Ali
Similar to Masjid-e-Abu Bakr (RA), Masjid-e-Ali was also built on the residence of a Caliph.
7. Masjid-e-Bilal
Masjid-e-Bilal is named after Bilal (RA) who was the first Muslim to call the Athan.
8. Uhad Mountain
This is the location of the second battle of Islam, Battle of Uhad. A cemetery consisting of graves of the martyrs of the battle (including Hamza’s (RA), Prophet’s uncle) is also situated here.
9. Masjid-e-Qiblatain
It was at this mosque that the Prophet (PBUH) was praying when he received the revelation to change the direction they were facing, while praying, from Masjid Al Aqsa to Masjid Al Haram.
10. Site of the Battle of Trench
Several important mosques are located here; including Masjid-e-Fatah (also known as Masjid-e-Ahzab). You can also see the place where the Muslims put up their camps for the impending battle.
11. Wadi-e -Jinn
This is a famous slope located around 30-40 km from Madinah. If you were to pour water on the slope, it will flow against it!
12. Bir Shifa and Bir Usman
Bir Shifa is a well in Madinah which had poisonous water however after the Prophet (PBUH) spit into it, it turned into the well of Shifa. Bir Usman on the other hand was bought for the Muslims by Usman bin Affan (RA) when Madinah suffered from a drought with shortage of water and the Muslims had to buy water at exorbitant prices from a Jew.
Visiting these places is very fascinating as it revives the stories that we’ve heard of numerous times while growing up, bringing them to life.
If you are interested in places to visit for Ziyarah in Makkah, click here.
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