Brian P. Ruh of Action Financial Strategies, agent for New York Life in New Holstein, has earned membership in the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) for 2022, making him a Life Member with 29 years of MDRT qualification.
Further, Brian has consistently reached the highest level of MDRT, Top of the Table, placing him among the top professionals in the global life insurance and financial industry for 16 years.
In addition, Bradley L. Ruh of Action Financial Strategies, agent for New York Life in Green Bay, has earned membership in the MDRT for 2022.
Achieving membership in MDRT is a distinguishing life insurance career milestone, attained only by those who have demonstrated superior professional knowledge, experience, sales excellence and client service. MDRT membership represents the top life insurance and financial service professionals worldwide. MDRT is an international, independent association of the world’s best life insurance and financial services professionals. In addition, this is the 67th consecutive year that New York Life has dominated the MDRT in the U.S.
Brian has been a New York Life agent since 1989 and is a member agent of The Nautilus Group, a select group of under 250 member agents nationwide focusing on business and estate planning. He is also a 20-year Chairman’s Cabinet Member with New York Life, qualifying most recently in 2021. Brian said he loves helping business owners and professionals navigate and solve the challenges of creating a solid financial future by helping them get their financial house in order, now and down the road. His passion lies in seeing clients through all stages of their life and the life of their business.
Brian and his wife, Gina, reside in Kiel. They are proud parents of three adult sons, and prouder grandparents to five young granddaughters.
Bradley has been a New York Life agent since 2010, and is associated with New York Life’s Wisconsin General Office in Madison. He is also a financial adviser through Eagle Strategies LLC since 2011. In 2014, Bradley earned the right to be called a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), which at the time placed him within 3 percent of the CFP® registrants under the age of 30 (there are >80,000 CFP® registrants.)
Bradley said he is passionate about getting to know his clients through meaningful conversation to gain absolute clarity of their whole financial picture. Whether he is helping individuals or business owners, he provides the resources, information and solutions they need to make informed and confident decisions.
Bradley and his wife, Sharisa, reside in Green Bay with their three daughters.
Founded in 1927, MDRT, The Premier Association of Financial Professionals®, is a global, independent association of more than 66,000 of the world’s leading life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 500 companies in 72 nations and territories. MDRT members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business. For more information, please visit and follow them on Twitter @MDRtweet.
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