Home / About iWareBatik – News and Events
News and Events
iWareBatik featured as App of the Day!
On August 17, 2024, on the occasion of the Indonesian Declaration of Independence National Day, iWareBatik App has been featured as App of the Day on the Indonesian AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/story/id1740864000
Fashion and Tourism: a world of connections!
In a brief video, professor Lorenzo Cantoni explores the many connections between these two fields, so closely interlinked when it comes to Indonesian Batik.
In celebration of 156 Indonesian Diamond Brains: iWareBatik International Hackathon Event 2021
Supported by Indonesian Embassy in Switzerland and Australia, International iWareBatik Ideas Hackathon 2021 was held in
Digital Technologies in Promoting Inclusive Growth: iWareBatik User Experience Events in Cooperation with 997 participants from 33 Universities across Indonesia
iWareBatik holds a series of User Experience Events, which will be co-organized with 27 Indonesian universities. The events will be
iWareBatik being featured in Biennale of Western Balkan (BoWB) Special Edition
iWareBatik is featured as one of the inspiring digital innovations for textile heritage in BoWB special
Indonesian Spice Route as Global Civilization Network at Symposium of America European Regions 2021
The richness of Batik philosophical values aren’t only related to the way of life, yet it contains
When Batik Meets Kimono, The Memory of Indonesian Japan Batik Talkshow
When Batik meets Kimono, the beauty of Indonesia and Japan friendship is
Research Updates
Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories
Gravari-Barbas, M., & Sabatini, N. (Eds.). (2023). Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories. Emerald Publishing Limited. Leeds, pp. 1-392. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1571-5043202426
Digital technologies for communicating fashion heritage
Ayu Permatasari, P., & Kalbaska, N. (2022). "Chapter 5: Digital technologies for communicating fashion heritage". In Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Jul 4, 2024,...
More Than Words: Evaluating iWareBatik Digital Technologies in the Perspective of Heritage Tourism
Permatasari, P. A., Ningrum, F. U., Uriawan, W., & Cantoni, L. (2023). More Than Words: Evaluating iWareBatik Digital Technologies in the Perspective of Heritage Tourism. In L. Bassa (Ed.), Combining Modern Communication Methods With Heritage Education (pp....
Participatory Design to Create Digital Technologies for Batik Intangible Cultural Heritage in HCI Conference 2021, Washington DC
The case of iWareBatik was presented at the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference in Washington on July 25th, 2021. The paper has been
Latest Research Publication in Virtual Archaeology Review Q1 Journal
Home / About iWareBatik – News dan Events / Latest research publication in virtual archaeology review Q1 jurnalRecent publication on the topic of "From WEB 1.0 to WEB 4.0: The Digital Heritage Platforms for UNESCO's Heritage Properties in Indonesia" has been...

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay
How to be Our Guest Contributors
Batik goes beyond a textile. Batik is about a place, a state of mind, expression, feelings and memory.
Let’s inspire the world with your stories!
With the creation in 1972 of the UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (UNESCO World Heritage Centre), great attention has been paid to cultural and natural heritage all over the world, leading to a rise in awareness and concern for preserving heritage for future generations. The World Heritage Convention defines heritage as “our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations”.
The World Heritage Convention, while acknowledging the responsibility of each respective country to manage their own WHSs, also emphasizes the concept of universality, meaning that this heritage belongs to the international community independently of the territory where it is located. This concept goes then beyond political and geographic boundaries of nation-states: it reflects the wish to create a worldwide common heritage. One of the major issues for site managers is the accomplishment of the delicate balance between visits and heritage conservation in order to preserve the World Heritage for future generations while providing access to visitors. While sustainability may be considered from many different perspectives, here it is stressed that tourism should not at any circumstances damage the protected heritage and its conservation.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are closely connected with the above-listed goals: (i) they support information, communication and interchanges at the global level – well beyond national borders – hence contributing to the building of a world common heritage; (ii) they are of the utmost importance in order to document, map and preserve both natural and cultural heritage; (iii) they can play a major role to develop and promote sustainable tourism, both in developed as well as in developing and emerging areas.
Photo: USI UNESCO Chair
- Support WHSs in online communication through extensive research, training, capacity building, sharing and dissemination of guidelines, best practices, and case studies.
- Help the WHSs in developing and emerging countries to develop sustainably by training local stakeholders.
- Ensure a deeper understanding and respect of cultural and natural richness of the sites amongst visitors and prospects at the global level. In particular, educating tourists and prospects to understand the fragility of WHSs, and preparing them when it comes to the behavior at the sites, i.e. how they should contribute to protect and not damage the heritage, as well as educating them on how their behavior and actions should enrich and support the development of local communities.
- Develop an interdisciplinary network of scholars active in the relevant fields.
- Set up an annual summer school devoted to the topic; attract young researchers, and players in respective tourism bodies to do research at the Chair
News from USI UNESCO Chair
iWareBatik Contributors
Batik arts and traditions spark the interests and passions of textile heritage lovers around the world. We acknowledge the contributions of our colleagues and friends who have shared their vision and insights on Batik intangible cultural heritage with us. We hope that this effort would contribute to the improvement and the sustainability of Batik safeguarding practice in many years to come.

M. Fajar Haqy Ismaya
Indonesian - Kocaeli University, Turkey
About Haqy
Haqy is currently pursuing a Master degree in International Relations at Kocaeli University. He is in charge of the Coordinator of Overseas Indonesian Student Association Alliance (OISAA) in America and European Regions

Choirul Anam
Indonesian - Charles University, Czech Republic
About Anam
Choirul Anam is currently pursuing a Doctoral degree in Public Policy in Poverty Eradication at Charles University, Czech Republic. He works as an executive auditor in Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia.

Arzita Shafira
Indonesian - Geneva School of Diplomacy, Switzerland
About Arzita
Arzita Shafira holds a Master degree in Political Science from Geneva School of Diplomacy, Switzerland. She works at Indonesian Permanent Delegation for the UN in Geneva, Switzerland.