My 7 Day TV Diet…PERFECT
I have discovered the perfect diet. I challenge anybody to find one better than this. I am calling it ‘The 7 Day TV Diet’.
I know there are hundreds of diets out there. Each claim to be better than the other. The Paleo Diet, The Vegan Diet, Low-Carb Diet, The Dukan Diet, The Ultra-Low-Fat Diet, The Atkins Diet, The HCG Diet, The Zone Diet, The Intermittent Fasting, my favorite...The Tomorrow Diet (I’ll start tomorrow after I inhale all the junk food in my house first), on and on and on, etc etc. Every diet you can think of.
Well, this diet trumps all those. It will not only improve your physical health, it will also improve your mental, psychological, emotional even your intellectual health.
Do I have your attention yet? Are you wondering what this amazing diet is yet? What do you have to give up? What do you have to add? Here we go…
For this diet to work as well for you as it has and is for me, there is only one thing you have to give up. If you haven’t guessed it yet, it is your TV. Yes, I mean literally, this is a TV diet.
Television has become such a permanent part of our lives and culture that we don’t realize it is more than just the ‘norm’, it is an addiction. Prior to this diet, I actually don’t recall an entire day going without watching TV. Even on travel days there are TV’s all over the airports and in the planes themselves. There is no escape. It is probably the number one addiction shared worldwide and we have no idea how bad it really is.
According to recent studies, the average American spends 4-5 hours a day watching TV. According to Nielsen’s findings there is a large generation gap in TV consumption. While those aged 50 and older spend close to six (ages 50-64) and more than seven hours (ages 65+) a day in front of the tube, young adults watch significantly less TV, but it doesn’t mean they are sitting in-front of the tube any less.
While some of this difference might be explained by the fact that many people over the age of 65 are retired and thus have more time to watch TV, the fact that younger people are more likely to use streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video instead of watching “traditional” TV likely plays an even larger role in this. In addition, the new generation are playing their high end Xbox and PlayStation games on the tubes to add to their time sitting in-front of the screen.
I will be the first to admit that in this last year, my TV time has increased considerably. I am guessing I’m not the only one though. The Covid-19 pandemic has had more of an effect on every day living than any of us can count, and this is no exception. With the combination of Covid and the US Election, it’s not far fetched to say television sets around the world likely doubled in time. We now spend more time at home than ever before. Students are being schooled at home and millions are either working remotely from home or, unfortunately, sitting home unemployed because of the pandemic.
Now I would like to talk about my experience with this diet. I went on a 7 Day TV Diet. Right off the bat, the first thing you do is simply look for something to fill in the time. The trick though for this diet to be successful is DO NOT replace TV time with Social Media time. There will be a net zero gain if you do so.
The very first thing I did...I pulled out the Sudoku book I had stored away many moons ago. I love Sudoku. It’s a great game that allows me to not only enjoy some downtime, but frankly, exercise my brain. It is known to help with critical thinking, improve concentration and improve memory. Sure beats an hour watching a sitcom.
However, something absolutely amazing happened while playing Sudoku. On my very first day of this diet, and while playing this game that has benefits and that I enjoy, my son Ibrahim was curious about what I was doing with a book and pen in my hand. He came and sat next to me, ‘Baba, what is that?’. My eyes wide open and my heart skipped a beat (yes I was that happy) because it just hit me the true potential of this diet.
It was just my son and I. No TV. No smart phones in our hands. No stupid tiktok videos. No news anchors in the background talking about how many new cases today or sound of cat fights otherwise known as Republicans vs Democrats. Just Ibrahim and me. We focused on something together. I got to teach him something new. Guess what...later on that day, and even the next day, he asked me if we can play again. This right here...this alone...made this experience an absolute success.
I showed him the puzzle. Explained to him what I’m doing. He started looking for numbers to fill in the blanks with me. I gave him some hints on how to find the answers. He found his first. Than second. Than third. Than he grabbed the pen right out of my hand all awhile sitting next to me. We sat for a while not paying attention to the time just playing together. We laughed and we smiled. This was unexpected quality time that I will remember for a long time and God Willing so will he.
Something so extremely valuable came out of the simplest task. Power Off = Quality Time.
My daughters were sitting around looking at their phones doing what they do. I went over and hung out with them. Did absolutely nothing in particular. Just started hanging out and asking questions about their studies. Next thing I know we are having a three way conversation. I am as emotional now writing this as I was while experiencing this added quality time. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like we never spent time together before, but something about it was just extra special. No distractions. No TV noise in the background getting our attention here and there. No news on Covid. Just us and no technology in front of us or in hand.
One of my bad TV habits was always in the morning. I wake up and automatically I put on the news. I flip the channel between CNN and FOX news (yes...both...I know I know). Now I gave that up so what am I to do with this earned time? Well, it hit me. Something I never did in my entire life...morning calisthenics. YES...exercise. In the morning. I opened my laptop, went to YouTube, I typed calisthenics for beginners, and now, it is part of my morning ritual.
The morning calisthenics is better than any cup of coffee I have ever had in my life. It wakes me up, gets my blood flowing, and it doesn’t take an hour to do it.
While keeping in mind for this diet to be successful I can not replace it with Social Media time, I am going to spend more time on the internet though. However, it will be valuable time reading and researching. One thing I always wanted to get into and learn about is meditation. What did I do? You guessed it, went to our old friend YouTube, typed in meditation for beginners, found millions of videos so just clicked on the first one I found and followed the narrators step by step instructions as he spoke with a very soft and calm voice. I am hooked to meditation now. What took me so long to learn about it? Oh ya, TV time.
Since I am spending more time on the internet (not excessive though and not Social Media sites), it is the absolute best opportunity to learn and research frankly anything I want. What do I want to learn about? What am I curious about? What else do I add to my self improvement list. Anything I want. That is the beauty of this diet. By the way, who says this has to be on the internet. Why not read a book? Remember those?
According to other studies, the negative impact of television is more severe than most people realize or appreciate. There is a direct link between television consumption and obesity. Across cultures, television consumption has been associated to cause an overweight, inactive lifestyle among high school students. From a study of over 15,000 high school students, 43% of those students exceeded 2 hours a day of television viewing on a regular school day. Overall, 31% of the students did not participate in daily physical activity, 11% were overweight, and 76% ate an insufficient amount of servings of fruit and vegetables. Watching television for 2 hours a day was indeed correlated to being overweight.
To summarize, in my first Seven Day Diet I have gained a considerable amount of quality time with my family, true quality time. I am spending more time for my own personal health including physical, mental and intellectual.
The truth is, all these gains were unintended and unexpected. When I decided to cut off TV for a week, honestly, I just wanted to give myself a break from the same old boring and depressing news. I believe to a certain extent we have all become news junkies. If I want a quick update on news, I can always google it without watching for hours or anchor after anchor and millions of dollars worth of TV commercials.
At the conclusion of my Seven Day TV Diet, I automatically renewed it. The decision to renew it was a no-brainer for me. The benefits just simply outweigh the negatives infinite to zero. As I am writing this blog, I am now on my fourth renewal.
By the way, another absolutely fantastic gain out of this, my children are watching less TV now. I told them what I’m doing and they are seeing with their own eyes the things that I am now doing and it is rubbing off. Once again...infinite to zero benefit to negative ratio.
This is not a challenge, I welcome everybody to try this diet. You literally have nothing to lose and much to gain.
Iyad Allis