Sometimes, even the tiniest of inconveniences can create a menace in our lives. Don't believe us? Try getting bitten by an ant someday. No matter how huge your body is, how good your biceps are, or how strong your body is, an ant bite can make you scream super loud. Science says that during an ant bite, the tiny, harmless-looking creature grabs the skin. It is at this time when the pinchers of the ant release the acid called formic acid. Many people around the globe are allergic to this formic acid. No matter what science says, all we know and try to explain is that the man who first quotes that one should never judge a book by its cover may have had a sharp ant bite. Ants are super tiny, but their bites can be super scary and painful.
Not only humans, but ants also bite and irritate animals. Who said size matters? When you are an ant, you can successfully trouble even the largest of animals. We are talking about the frustrating moments the elephant in this blog is facing due to a mischievous ant. An ant was in a fun mood when she decided to trouble the elephant. The ant has climbed on the body of an elephant and for an hour or so, she has been tickling the elephant hard. At once, she also went inside the trunk of the elephant, making it super irritating for the elephant. Now, after an hour of playing and jumping on the body of the elephant, the ant is all set to fulfill her mission for which she climbed the body of the elephant- TO BITE HIM.
The giant elephant can fight even the mightiest of animals in the wood, but right now, is all frustrated and helpless due to a tiny ant. And oh, the ant is in no mood to go back home today. Shall we call the tiny ant's mom? Well, recognizing the mom of a baby ant is not as easy as finding the mom of a human. Now, the elephant has high hopes with you. Save the elephant from the ant bite in this challenge. Simply find the hidden ant on the elephant's body and we will do the rest. Indeed, the elephant's body is huge, and finding a tiny ant hiding somewhere on the elephant's body is going to be hard, but hey, who likes easy challenges here?
Rules of the challenge
The rules of the challenge are pretty simple and straightforward. All you have to do is find the hidden ant hiding on the elephant's body before it bites the elephant. Hey, the ant can bite the elephant any time, and thus you need to find the hidden ant quicker, maybe before 8 seconds. Who will keep track of the time? Let technology help us today. Well, simply set a timer for 8 seconds on your phone. Now, start finding the hidden ant the moment the timer starts. Stop looking for it the moment it beeps. Come on dear readers, grab your magnifying glasses if you can, and find the hidden ant.
Find the hidden ant on the elephant's body in just 8 seconds!
Image Source: Britannica
Were you able to find the hidden ant?
Well, here is the ant hiding!
Image Source: Britannica
Oh dear ant, were you trying to bite the tusk of the elephant? Well, trying to bite the hard tusk with your SUPER STRONG TEETH is definitely not a good idea. Hey, before you could have explored any other place on the elephant's body, we caught you. Come on, get off the elephant!
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