Here are the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

WRITTEN BY Harleen Kaur Jaggi2021-11-19,08:46:14 news

There is One god.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji always said -I am neitther Hindu, nor Muslim, I am a follower of god. The beliefs in Sikhism state that there is only one god present among us all.

Front Page Africa

Sarbat Da Bhala (goodwill for all)

Passing the message of Universal brotherhood, Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached Nanak Naam Chardikala, tere bhane sarbat da bhala, i.e., asking peace for all.

The Quint

Submission to the will of god

Guru Nanak Dev Ji always preached that everything happens by god's grace,


3 Pillars of Sikhism

The 3pillars of Sikhism are - Kirat Karo (work diligently), Naam Japo (contempate god's name), and Vand Chako (Always share with others)

Deseret News

Keep away from five evils

Guru Nanak Dev Ji always passed a message of avoiding the five evils of ego, attaachment, enger, greed, and lust, that always lead to illusion (maya).


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