Group discussion topics

Group discussion or GD is a form of a discussion between people forming a group. People in the group discussion are connected with one basic idea. Based on that idea, everyone in the group represents his/her perspective. The recruiters use it to hire the best talent among various candidates.

GD tests the candidate's skills, such as leadership skills, communication skills, social skills and behavior, politeness, teamwork, listening ability, General awareness, confidence, problem-solving skills, etc.

Group discussion topics

Group discussion is not only a discussion to be practiced while going for an interview in an organization or a university. It is a type of discussion that can be practiced at any age. There is no particular topic or criteria. A group of friends can also practice such type of discussions by selecting a random topic. But, what is the benefit of these Group Discussions at an early age?

There are lots of advantages of these discussions at an early age. It includes enhanced confidence, elimination of hesitation, improved communications skills, better friendship bonds, happiness, thoughts sharing, improved knowledge, improved coordination, and many more. But, these improvements are not a single step process. It improves as we keep practicing. It is not only the usual discussion, but it is also a discussion with knowledge and facts.

Why did group discussion started?

During the initial days, group discussion was popular only in few organizations. But, with the increase in competition among students, it became a part of every organization. Today, in colleges or universities a special lecture is provided to the students to enhance these skills. It is also known as the Personality development class.

Group Discussion tests the personality skills, communication skills, teamwork, confidence, problem-solving skills, social skills, behavior, and leadership abilities of a candidate. It also checks the on-spot preparation of a candidate in a short time span.

It is used as a quick method to shortlist a few candidates from the massive strength.

Sometimes, a candidate fails in office or professional meetings, presentations, etc. He/she might have scored the top rank, but unable to speak confidently in such professional meetings create a negative impression. Hence, it is now adopted as an exam to pass before joining any university or organization.

Is there any importance of conducting a practicing a Group Discussion?


So, let's discuss the importance of Group discussion.

Why we need to practice prior GD?

Group discussion is like one of the exams that a candidate needs to qualify. Group discussion topics give us an idea about the trending topics and related information. It increases our knowledge and confidence in speaking. These topics help us to prepare well so that we can perform better in the GD round.

Candidates who perform well among other students in a group are shortlisted. The given topic can have a different perspective depending on the candidate. A candidate may be in favor of a topic, while another is against it. The practice gives us an idea about the correct perspective about a particular topic.

Hence, it is important to practice various Group discussion topics to improve our communication, fluency, problem-solving skills, confidence, and general awareness.

What is the basic frame of a GD?

Let's discuss the procedure of a group discussion.

A topic prior a group discussion is provided to the group of candidates ranging from 5 to 15. The candidates can vary depending on the available strength. If the strength if high, the number of candidates can also increase. If the strength is low, it can be 5 to 7.

The preparation time of around 5 minutes is given to a group before beginning with the discussion. The duration of a group discussion is 15 minutes. In case studies, the duration can be 45 minutes. Sometimes, the panelist or judges can extend the discussion for more than 15 minutes. They can also end the discussion in between. The participants should not consider any assumption that the GD will be conducted only for 15 minutes.

A candidate among the group who has is confident can initiate the discussion. It is not pre-known that who will start. Anyone can initiate the discussion. As soon as a candidate starts, the next candidate begins expressing his/her perspective about that topic. Similarly, everyone needs to express his/her views.

The panelists or judges can ask anyone to conclude the discussion at last. Hence, everyone needs to be active during the discussion.

GD Topics

Group discussion topics

The GD topics are categorized based on the following:

  • Current affairs
  • MBA
  • Abstract topics
  • General Awareness
  • Business and economy
  • Education
  • Social Issues

Let's discuss these categorizes of Group Discussion in detail.

There are hundreds of topics available for each category. So, we will discuss some essential tips of every given category that will help us to crack every GD topic given during the Group Discussion.

Current affairs

Current affairs refer to the national and international development, policies, issues, and changes across the nation. It includes sports news, awards, political events, art, and culture. Altogether, current affairs are the up-to-date and latest developments during the particular year correlated with past situations.

For example,

  • DRDO successfully test fired the cruise missile 'Nirbhay' on 24th June, 2021. DRDO stands for Defence Research and Development Organization. The missile was the eighth test flight of the launched missile.
  • Mawya Sudan is the first woman fighter pilot of the Indian Air Force (IAF) from the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Important tips:

The important tips required to crack such GD topics are as follows:

  • Read daily newspaper
    Read current affairs through various websites available on the Internet. We can read daily, weekly, or monthly current affairs to be aware about the current situations across the nation.
  • Maintain proper eye contact during the Group Discussion.
  • Be confident and avoid any false statements.
  • Focus on communication skills and try to be fluent while speaking.
  • Prepare important key points during the preparation time given before the group discussion.
  • Practice some latest topics related to current affairs to improve our confidence and knowledge.


MBA stands for Masters of Business Administration. A candidate after their graduation degree can opt for MBA, which is a two-year post-graduation program. Group Discussion is a vital part of the admission process for various top universities seeking MBA students. CAT (Common Admission Test) is a medium to opt for top colleges for MBA. A student needs to qualify CAT exam as a first step, interviews, and Group Discussion.

The aim of GD is a medium of expressing knowledge, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and personality assessment, not the victory or unnecessary arguments or fights. GD in MBA is used as a medium to check the suitability of an individual for admission.

Important tips:

The important tips required to crack such GD topics are as follows:

  • MBA group discussion topics do not require any complex technical skills. The knowledge about basic economic conditions of the country, policies, schemes, or agriculture can work better. Most of the GD topics in MBA are somewhat related to these topics.
  • Focus on communications kills and body language.
  • Be a good listener and confident. Try to avoid any false statements or information.
  • Be audible and fluent.
  • Maintain eye contact and be aware during the discussion.

Abstract topics

Abstract topics are the topics with multiple interpretations. The abstract topics can be in the form of quotes, phrases, statements, or even idioms. The message behind the given abstract topics is quite difficult. A candidate needs to understand the topic and the main motive behind it. But, some preparation and tips can help a candidate to crack such Group discussions easily.

The abstract topic does not require any complex technical knowledge or much information. These topics are used as a medium to check the creativity, decision making and problem-solving skills of a candidate. Some topics can include multiple perspectives. Hence, a candidate needs to be positive and confident during a discussion. For example, smart work vs. hard work, fame is a double-edged sword; every cloud has a silver lining, etc.

Important tips:

The important tips required to crack such GD topics are as follows:

  • The abstract topics can have any direction. It depends on the candidate's thoughts and opinion about the given topic. The only way is to practice and keep our thoughts is a positive direction.
  • Understand the two-fold challenge and motive behind the given topic. Some topics are even conceptual base.
  • Do not hesitate and express the views on the given topic confidently. A topic can also have multiple perspectives. A candidate needs to focus on the best they can give during a discussion.
  • Maintain proper eye contact during the Group Discussion.
  • Be confident and avoid any false statements.
  • Focus on communication skills and try to be fluent while speaking.

General Awareness

General awareness also means knowing about the current situations across the globe. Current affairs are a part of general awareness, including historical events, polity, and geography. It is also a part of various competitive exams.

Group Discussions topics based on general awareness are used as a round to qualify in organizations, universities, companies, etc., to check the general knowledge. The topics are also related to finance, inventions, discoveries, and the banking sector.

Important tips:

The important tips required to crack such GD topics are as follows:

  • Read daily newspaper
    Read current affairs through various websites available on the Internet.
  • Maintain proper eye contact during the Group Discussion.
  • Be confident and focus on communication skills.
  • Prepare important key points during the preparation time given before the group discussion.
  • Also, focus on the historical events (especially the Indian freedom struggle), geographic areas, economics, finance, constitutions, etc.

Business and economy

Business refers to studying the accounting, financial, organizational, and market-related conditions of a firm, business, or corporation. Economic refers to consumption, goods and services, distribution, scarcity, money, and factors related to it.

Business is directly related to the economy. The growth of the small, medium and large business directly impacts the GDP of an economy. The increase in the purchase of domestic products also increases the total GDP of a country. Businesses are also a medium that employs various candidates.

Thus, we can say that business is an entity that deals with the production and sale of goods and services, while the economy refers to the resources and wealth from the outcomes of these goods and services.

Important tips:

The important tips required to crack such GD topics are as follows:

  • Knowledge about the current GDP of the economy and factors related to it. The information about business factors (finance, assets, and outcomes) and economy would also be helpful.
  • Maintain proper eye contact during the Group Discussion.
  • Be confident and avoid any false statements.
  • Focus on communication skills and try to be fluent while speaking.
  • We should always speak with respect to the topic. Avoid any hesitation and fear while speaking. Try always to be comfortable while speaking during a GD.


Education refers to schooling, teaching, or receiving knowledge from a set of books. Education impacts not only the mind but also the personality of a person.

Education is important because it increases the standard of life, improves the financial condition, shows us the importance of money, hard work, water, and other resources, and helps us develop and grow. It also impacts the personality of a person. GD topics based on education are asked in organizations, universities, and schools.

Important tips:

The important tips required to crack such GD topics are as follows:

  • Try to initiate the discussion and clearly represent the idea.
  • Try to include example, because it is a major positive part of a discussion and gives clarifies the represented views.
  • Be audible and listen carefully to everyone present in the discussion.
  • Be audible and focus on body language.
  • Maintain eye contact with everyone.
  • Do not try to overcome anyone during the discussion. Be confident in our own views about the topic.
  • Do not fight or shout during the discussion.

Social Issues

Social issues are the types of problems that impact a large population. It is recognized as a single condition or a societal issue. Group discussion topics on social issues include child labor, academic issues, depression, state of mind, immunization cover in India, and the adverse impact of smoking.

Social issues are also a part of group discussions in job recruitment. Such topics are a medium to check a candidate's knowledge about their surroundings and other related factors, such as communication, personality, etc. Social issues also influence the people living in society.

Now, let's discuss some important tips to crack group discussion topics based on social issues.

Important tips:

The important tips required to crack such GD topics are as follows:

  • Be aware of the latest news, government steps, policies, economic factors, etc. It gives us prior knowledge to speak confidently during a discussion. It is because, without any prior knowledge, it is difficult to crack GD.
  • Practice some topics with friends or a group based on any social issue. It not only increases our confidence but also improves our fluency and communication skills.
  • Do not hesitate and express the views on the given topic confidently.
  • Maintain proper eye contact during the Group Discussion.
  • Be audible and focus on body language.
  • Maintain eye contact with everyone.
  • Avoid any rude behavior and conflict in any situation during the discussion.

Top 10 GD topics of 2021

Let's discuss the top 10 Group Discussion topics of 2021.

The second wave of Covid-19 in India

Changes in India's economy in the year 2020-2021

Kharif strategy for oil seeds

India's refugee policy

Single-use plastic

Data protection in India

Fuel prices at a record high

The covid self-testing kit

How to prevent a third wave of covid in India?

Covid vaccination

Second wave of Covid-19 in India

The COVID has affected the way we live, learn, and work. It has resulted in the decline of faith in a life of a human being. Many of us have felt the crisis. Some of us have also lost our loved ones. The second wave of Covid-19 brought the Delta variant that claimed many lives compared to the first wave.

  • The country's weak health infrastructure has been under pressure due to the sudden rise in the covid cases.
  • Most people claimed their lives due to unavailability of medical facilities and oxygen supply.
  • But, the recovery rate of India was later increased upto 95%. Due to the large population, rest 5% also contributes to the large number who suffered during the crisis.
  • The post-covid second wave also introduced black fungus, white fungus, and other virus types whose mortality rate was even higher than the covid.
  • Those who recovered are somewhere affected internally by the covid. They are also in need of the medical care.
  • After the second, India is also planning for the upcoming third wave. Proactive measures have been taken to build a resilient healthcare system. It is also essential for people to get vaccinated as soon as possible by the end of the year 2021.

Changes in India's economy in the year 2020-2021

The covid crisis has increased the percentage of poor in the country. It has resulted in the loss of jobs, etc. Various sectors of the economy, such as railways, airlines, tourism, and transportation, have suffered a loss due to the lockdown and prevention measures from the virus.

  • The impact on the economy was less severe as compared to the first wave of covid. People were better adapted to the situations in the lockdown. Online orders, digital systems, etc. was on work during the pandemic.
  • India has saw around four lakhs cases per day during the peak of covid during the second wave. It has claimed multiple lives especially the young.
  • India has lost control of the supply of oxygen and medicines, and hospital beds due to the rising demand and short supply. The second wave has also claimed the lives of government employees, doctors, police officers, and many more.
  • In terms of the economy, we can also say that the covid crisis has made the rich richer and poorer.

Kharif strategy for oil seeds

  • The welfare strategy adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers to achieve the adequate production of oil seeds.
  • According to the Kharif strategy, the government has approved a plan to distribute free oil seeds to the farmers during the Kharif season in 2021 in the form of mini-kits.
  • But, the availability of these seeds during the pandemic will be a challenge. The initiative was developed to make the country self-dependent in oilseeds production.
  • The program is likely to produce round 120 lakhs quintals of oilseeds and 24 lakhs quintals of the edible oil. It will thus put the country towards Atman Nirbhay Bharat in the production of oilseeds.

India's refugee policy

  • The issue of refugees in India is present since Independence. In 2021, hundreds of people crossed the border and entered Mizoram and adjoining states in violence towards protestors by the military rulers in Myanmar.
  • The Union Ministry issued instructions to prohibit them from declaring the refuges of the country. Such refugees create an economic, social, and religious impact on the area's local people.
  • There is a need to clearly define the migrants and the illegal migrant to prevent any debate or confusion.
  • A dedicated refugee policy is required with appropriate instructions to safeguard their fundamental human rights.

Single-use plastic

Single-use plastic is the type of plastic that is disposed of once after use. Examples of such types of plastic are food packaging materials, plastic polythene bags, straws, etc.

  • The single-use plastic is alone responsible for more than 50 percent of marine pollution.
  • These types of plastic are not degradable and pollute the soil and water.
  • But, various nations are taking steps to control the water pollution and the reduction of the use of such type of plastics.
  • There is also a need of a global initiative to make the world plastic-free in the near future. In addition, public awareness is also essential to persuade people to prohibit the use of single-use plastics.
  • More research will also help create and dispose of these types of plastics without harming nature and the Earth.

Data protection in India

  • Data is the collection of information that is generally stored in the computer or the cloud network. Data protection refers to the safeguard of the user information to protect it from misuse, loss, or distortion.
  • The Information Technology act (IT act), 2000 regulates the entities that collect and process personal user's data in India. It fails to provide effective protection to the user's data.
  • The privacy policy is a fundamental right, but the country's people are still waiting for a law. The recent Whatsapp privacy policy has also enacted India to enact the law without any further delay.
  • The recent ban of the Chinese apps and the leakage of data during the pandemic strongly demands the strong data policy in India.

Fuel prices at a record high

  • Fuel prices are at a record high in India. The petrol price in June 2021 surpassed rupees 96. The high rate has reduced the consumption of petrol in India.
  • Fuel prices n Mumbai have crossed rupees 102.82 per liter. Thus, petrol and diesel prices have increased in most of the cities of the country.
  • The covid-19 situation has resulted in the sudden fall of the oil demand in India. It is due to the higher global crude oil prices. The rising fuel prices may even worsen the situation.
  • Low-income people are severely affected by rising fuel prices.
  • It has also resulted in the increase use of electric vehicles. A single fully charge electric battery can be used to travel around 80 to 100km.

Covid self-testing kit

The covid self kid is developed by MyLab Discovery, which is now easily available online through e-commerce websites and in the market. It cost only rupees 250. Anyone irrespective of age can buy this to detect the presence of covid virus in the body.

It takes on2 minutes to conduct the test with jut simple steps mentioned on the kit. The result takes 15 minutes and the report can be seen through the app after 15 minutes. The self kit was special prepared to reduce the spread of covid by testing at home. It was also developed for the rural areas where frequent testing of covid was not possible.

How to prevent the third wave of covid in India?

The third wave in India is expected to peak between October and November 2021. The variant of the spread of the third wave is commonly known as the Delta Plus variant. There are other variants, such as delta (second wave), lambda, etc. As of June 2021, the lambda variant is not yet detected in India, but it has been found in 30 other countries.

  • The first essential step is to take the vaccine. In India, most of the vaccination campaigns are free of cost. Hence, everyone should take the vaccination dose as soon as possible. It is only important prevention from the deadly virus.
  • Our behavior is also a type of vaccine. We need to wash hands often, keep our mouth and nose covered properly with the mask, and do not touch any external surface or face. Keep the places also sanitized. Maintain social distance while talking to people.
  • Avoid going to a crowded place. Work from home is also a method to reduce crowding at workplaces and markets.
  • Local cases are the base of the spread of coronavirus. The fresh covid cases should be treated at a local level. It will prevent the further spread of the virus in the adjacent areas.

Covid Vaccination

India started two vaccination doses, namely Serum Institute of India Covidshield and Bharat Biotech's Covaxin. The covid vaccination is responsible for creating antibodies in the human body that fight from the severity of coronavirus. The vaccine is being manufactured not only for India but for other countries as well.

  • There are two doses for the successful covid vaccination. The second dose of the Covishield and Covaxin vaccine is given between the gaps of 6 weeks to 12 weeks.
  • Serum Institute decided to manufacture vaccine in India due to the superlative manufacturing capacity of the country.
  • India is currently contributing 90% of its manufactured vaccines to other countries, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, etc.
  • India is the only manufacturer of the vaccination, but Oxford originally built the sample. It is named as Astra-Zeneca vaccine. The patent to manufacture vaccine was given to the Serum Institute.
  • Pfizer and Moderna are the vaccines currently being used in the Canada.
  • AstraZeneca and Novavax are the vaccines currently being used in USA. AstraZeneca has also been approved in the UK.