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Create a Greeting Card Jigsaw Puzzle

Surprise your family and friends with a Jigsaw puzzle greeting card ♥. Once you’ve created your card, you can share it via mail, on your social media, or Jigidi 👍

Choose the number of puzzle pieces for your greeting card.

Great job! Now, it’s time to post your card 👍

  • Design your card
  • Number of pieces
  • Send to family and friends
Write Message


  • Choose which theme you want for your card.
  • Design your card with the design elements in the card creator and write the message you want on your card.
  • There can be multiple objects on a greeting card, and you can move them around using your mouse.
  • To remove an element, click on it once more.

Number of pieces

Try to be gentle with your audience - most people unfamiliar with online jigsaw puzzles will find more than 75 puzzle pieces quite difficult 😊

Chose your preferred way to send the card to your family and friends:

Please note that this card may be removed when there has been no activity for 30 consecutive days.

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