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  1. Puzzlerelaxation1:15:54
  2. mypookie1:23:49
  3. cazablanka1:32:55
  4. puzzlegirl1:38:06
  5. diaskedasi1:38:16
  6. anwerso1:39:05
  7. Estercontreras1:41:35
  8. rannwhite1:42:54
  9. TeamUuno1:44:12
  10. sheila601:48:52


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I don't either :-D. Love the fish lips idea. x

LOL, Sheila. I just think that it looks like they are making "fish lips". Does Anyone actually think that getting lip Botox is a good idea???? Not I. :-D


Did anyone think this couple had just had botox injections? Hahaha. Loved this colours JM. x

Llens1, Whenever I am under stress, my power of concentration is diminished. It is a struggle to get it back, so I understand. I'm really happy to hear that you are making such great progress. Cheers! xoxo


Thanks again. Wow this one was a bit more difficult! I loved it. I am slowly getting my concentration ability back! This is great a big step for me.

Nice emojis! ❤️


(•̃ •̃)
.Π. ❤️ ☕

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