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Item #: 50084
Vintage DRGM Hubertus Air Pistol .177
Vintage DRGM Hubertus air pistol chambered for .177 caliber pellets and was manufactured between 192.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50090
Sellier & Bellot 7.62x25 Tokarev 85gr. 250rnds
This is 5 NOS boxes of 50 Sellier & Bellot 7.62x25 Tokarev 85gr. FMJ. .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50112
Scarce First Year Lee Enfield SMLE Mk. V Rifle 303 British 1922
Serial #1272, .303 British, 25" barrel with an excellent, bright bore. This 1922 dated, "ENFIE.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50114
Prvi Partizan 7.62 Nagant Revolver 98 Grain FPJ Ammo 100
This is two NOS boxes of PPU 7.62 Nagant Revolver 98 Grain FPJ Ammo, 100 total rounds. .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50247
German RWS 6mm Flobert Ammo Dynamit Nobel RN Lead 200 Count
This is a lot of two full containers, 200 total rounds, of 6mm Flobert ammunition manufactured by RW.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50062
Excellent Daisy Red Ryder Model 1938B BB Gun Mfg 2004 Wood Stock
This is Red Ryder Model 1938B BB gun manufactured by Daisy with a barrel stamped code of 0704 indica.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50274
British Martini Henry Rifle Mark II Bottleneck .45 inch Cartridge
This is a coiled brass bottleneck cartridge for the Martini Henry Rifle Mark II. In excellent .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50267
Scarce Snider Rifle 577 Blank Ammo Boxer Cartridge Packet Pattern II 1868
This is a full twine wrapped ammunition packet, 10 original rounds, of .577 Blank Boxer Cartridges f.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50273
India British Martini Henry Mark II (Musket & Carbine) .476 Buckshot Cartridge
This is a coiled brass bottle necked cartridge for the Martini Henry rifle (Musket & Carbine).&n.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50083
WWII Front-Seam Flexible Bale M1 Helmet USN Marked
This is a very nice example of a genuine WWII Front-Seam Flexible Bale M1 Helmet made by McCord Radi.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50179
WW2 M1 Carbine Type III Hammer Underwood
This is an M1 Carbine Type III hammer by Underwood. Marked “.U.”.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50207
US Model 1917 Enfield Rifle by Eddystone Lend Lease?
Serial #230683, .30-06, 26" barrel with a very good, bright bore that has some dark freckling within.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50183
British Queen Anne Style Turn-Off Pistol by James Willmore of London
NSN, .47 Caliber, 2" cannon-style barrel with a good, lightly pitted bore. This is an elegant .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50246
Western Super-X Full Box #4 Paper Hull Shotgun Shells Ammo 2 Piece
This is a full box, 25 original rounds, of Super-X “Field” Steel-locked long range loads manufacture.. ...(read more)
Item #: 47245
Outstanding Sealed! Fabric Box 38 Long Colt Ammo Remington UMC
This is full and sealed box, 50 original rounds, of .38 Long Colt smokeless ammunition manufactured .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50245
Full Box Winchester 32 Colt New Police Ammo 98 Grain Lead
This is a full box, 50 original rounds, of .32 Colt New Police ammunition manufactured by Winchester.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50249
Excellent Sealed! USGI 38 Long Ammo Packet Dated 1902 Frankford Arsenal
This is a full and sealed ammo packet, 20 original rounds, of .38 Long Colt ammunition manufactured .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50136
Boxed Walther Model Model 53 Air Pistol 4.5mm/ .177 Mfg 1960
Serial #040105, 4.5mm /.177 Caliber, 9 ½ inch barrel with a bright, excellent bore. This is th.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50200
US Model 1903-A3 Rifle by Remington with Four-Groove Barrel (Ogden Rework)
Serial #3556660, .30-06, 24" barrel with an excellent, bright bore. This is an early Remington.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50092
Sellier & Bellot 9mm Makarov 95gr. 100rnds
This is 2 NOS boxes of 50 Sellier & Bellot 9mm Makarov 95gr. FMJ. .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50239
Peters Police Match 38 Special 148 Grain Wad Cutter Full Box
This is a full box, 50 original rounds, of .38 Special Police Match ammunition with 148 grain Wad Cu.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50088
Original Canadian Police King's Crown Helmet plate
This is an original Canadian Police King's crown helmet plate, worn by many large municipalities thr.. ...(read more)
Item #: 49877
Navy Arms 32 Short Rim-Fire Ammunition Full Box 50 Rds
This is a full box, 50 original rounds, of .32 Short RF ammo manufactured in Brazil for Navy Arms.&n.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50242
Excellent Matching WWII German Eickhorn M1884/98 Bayonet & Scabbard
This is a M188/98 bayonet and matching numbered scabbard and leather frog for the 98K rifle ma.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50237
CIL Dominion 303 Savage Full Box Soft Point Smokeless Ammo
This is a full box, 20 original rounds, of .303 Savage ammunition manufactured by C-I-L and sold und.. ...(read more)
Item #: cjac-vol4-no2
Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting - Vol. 4 No. 2 May 1966
Click on the "View Articles" Tab To Read The Free Articles. 1882 Bridgeport Gun Implement Co. P.. ...(read more)
Item #: 47648
British Model 1804 Naval Cutlass (Scrubbed Markings)
This is a handsome cutlass that measures 33 3/4" overall, with a 29" straight, single-edged, unfulle.. ...(read more)
Item #: 49287
Belgium Model 1868 Saw-Back Bayonet Terssen Rifle
This is a rare Belgium Model 1868 Saw-Back, measures 23.5" overall with a blade length of 18 5/8", i.. ...(read more)
Item #: 49403
Excellent Sealed! Winchester 32 Colt New Police Ammo “Picture Box”
This is a full and sealed box, 50 original rounds, of .32 Colt New Police ammunition manufactured by.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50199
WW1 US Model 1917 Enfield Rifle by Remington
Serial #160411, .30-06, 26" barrel with a very good, bright bore that has some minor pitting along t.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50262
Smith & Wesson “S” Prefix Post War 38 M&P Pre-Model 10 Built 1948
Serial #S954511, .38 Special, 5 inch round ribbed barrel with a bright, excellent bore. This i.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50174
New Condition Original US Model 1898 Krag Bolt by Springfield Armory
This is a splendid New condition Krag bolt that has most of the original armory bright finish remai.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50238
303 British Ammo Full Box C-I-L Dominion 180 Grain Soft-Point
This is a full box, 20 original rounds, of .303 British ammunition manufactured by C-I-L and sold un.. ...(read more)
Item #: 49103
Scarce Full Box UMC 25-20 Stevens Black Powder Ammo 86 Gr Bullet
This is a full box, 50 original rounds, of .25-20 Stevens black powder central fire ammunition with .. ...(read more)
Item #: 50234
Remington Collector & Shooter Lot 1965 Red & White Issue 22 WRF Ammo 4 Boxes
This is a lot of 4 full boxes, 200 original rounds, of .22 WRF (Remington Special) ammunition manufa.. ...(read more)
Item #: 47526
Early 20th Century 44 WCF Winchester 1873 Rifle “Picture” Full Box Ammunition
This is a full box, 50 rounds, of .44 WCF (.44-40) ammunition manufactured by Winchester. The .. ...(read more)
Item #: 49076
Colt Officers Model Target Revolver 22 LR Mfg 1933
Serial #7677, .22 LR, 6 inch barrel with a bright, excellent bore. This is the Colt Officers M.. ...(read more)
Item #: 50240
1950'S RCAF .380 Revolver Mark 2z Ammo 38/200 Full Box 50 Rounds
This is a full box, 50 original rounds, of Royal Canadian Air Force marked .380 revolver cartridges .. ...(read more)
Item #: 49278
WWI 455 Webley Sam Brown Holster 1916 6" Barrel
An excellent condition WWI dated brown leather holster for the Webley & Enfield MK VI, S&W &.. ...(read more)
Item #: 48321
Wards Western Field Bolt Action 22 LR & R.A. Litschert Varmint Master Scope
Serial #NSN, .22 LR, 24 inch barrel with a bright, excellent bore. This is the Wards Western F.. ...(read more)