John Wilson Australian Blue Mountains Artist.  John Wilson is one of Australia's leading oil painters, whose elegant paintings capture the more elusive qualities unique to the Australian landscape.
John was included in 'Fifty Australian Artists' and the publication 'John Wilson Blue Mountains Artist' the fine art book 
produced by Brownlee Publishing, which chronicles the artists life and work.
John's first exhibition was held in 1979, he is now a veteran of forty one (50) solo exhibitions and many more shared exhibitions with other artists.

He has exhibited in London, Japan, the United States and Canada and recently had a sell out exhibition in Beijing China..

John's paintings are represented in public, private and corporate collections throughout Australia and internationally. 

His works have been reproduced extensively, including the books 'Visual Artists of the Blue Mountains' and 'ArtFiles' and several feature articles in Australian Artist and International Artist magazines.
For John growing up in the beautiful Blue Mountains instilled a deep love of the rugged grandeur, spectacular colours and the many moods they inspired.

Whilst always fascinated by paintings and artists, John did not pursue his interest in art with real seriousness until his mid twenties.  He had been working as a professional musician and wandered into painting as a hobby.

It was not long before he decided to devote himself completely to becoming an artist.

Today John's elegant paintings capture the more elusive qualities of the Australian landscape.  He is a multi award winning artist who is widely recognised internationally and also as one of Australia's leading painters of landscape. 
John Wilson is one of Australia's leading oil painters, a Multi-Award winning artist, whose works have been reproduced extensively.

John's elegant paintings capture the more elusive qualities unique to our Australian landscape.  His works, considered highly collectable are represented in private, corporate and public collections throughout Australia and internationally.

John Wilson is a Fellow of The Royal Art Society of NSW and the patron of the Society of Mountain Artists.

An ongoing exhibition of recent works may be viewed at his Gallery in Katoomba.

Go to 'Painting Galleries' and you can view copies of a large number of paintings from throughout his career.
John Wilson
High Country Homesteads - Tumut NSW  -  90 x 60; John Wilson
John Wilson painting on the Cliffs.
High Country Homesteads - Tumut NSW  -  90 x 60
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"I remember very clearly the day I began to paint.  At the time I had been working at night as a musician and looking for something to do in the daylight hours.  As a child I always remembered my dad having an old box of paints.  I don't know how he acquired them as he had never painted, but the enticing aroma of the old leaking tubes of oil and linseed had stayed with me for some twenty years.

Ever since those early days of youth, the thought had always been in my mind that one day I would 'have a go' at oil painting; now seemed as good a time as any to start.

I fully expected to be painting masterpieces in a year or two as I drove to the small local gallery and art supply shop.  I pretentiously told the owner that I intended to become an artist.  He must have summed me up pretty well because after a few prudent questions he sent me off with six tubes of paint, a few brushes, some canvas boards and, most important, a popular brand "How to Paint" book.

At home I promptly began to inflict myself upon the canvas.  It took four years and several hundred dismal failures before I realised that there were no short cuts to painting well."
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Excerpt from book - "John Wilson Blue Mountains Artist"
Tarana Gums  -  80 x 80; John Wilson
Tarana Gums  -  80 x 80
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© Copyright John Wilson
With his MasterClass in Oils five day intensive workshops, John shares his talent, expertise and love of painting the Australian landscape with other artists and aspiring artists.