Science Fantasy with a slow burn romance?

Science Fantasy with a slow burn romance?

John's latest book is out now!

Science Fantasy with a slow burn romance?

John's latest book is out now!

Coming soon!

The sequel to Drawn in Ash is coming soon!

The Least Read Blog

Reviews of movies, books, video games, and more. Random musings. Updates on John's writing projects. It's all right here.


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Geeky Grace

So what is "geeky grace?" It's the grace we need to recognize the gifts that God has given us as wonderful and precious. It's the grace to accept the fact that, at times, we're not going to fit in. It's the grace that helps us see the joy in life. It's the grace that makes us God's precious sons and daughters, even if we do like geeky things. If you like video games, superheroes, and nerdy stuff, you've come to the right place.

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The Original Least Read Blog

The Original Least Read Blog
Looking for one of John's old posts? Why? I mean... they're all right here.