Do you or someone you know have a gorgeous baby girl? Maybe you are desiring to find the perfect words to describe how you feel about your best friend’s little one. Or it is possible that you came across this site in hopes that you could discover words that you could someday give to your own beautiful girl. Either way, here you will find poems that can serve both purposes well. Don’t click away until you have found exactly what you were looking for. You may be able to quickly find the words that speak to your heart and that will also have a profound impact on the baby girl that you speak them over. On the other hand, you have the opportunity to slowly look through the words on these pages, and still come away with the answer you had been searching for. You may choose to place the precious words you find onto a simple, yet meaningful card. You may also opt to take the words that you find and use them as a source of inspiration for what you intend to say about someone else’s little girl. Whatever the purpose you intend to use the words for, choose them wisely and allow yourself, as well as others, to be inspired by them.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Go to sleep my baby girl
Your mommy is here
I’ll wipe away sorrows
And dry all your tears
We will hold many memories
Just you and me
Will travel the world together
It will be amazing, you’ll see
Sleep my baby girl
Your mommy is here
I’ll take away your sorrows
And dry all your tears
Little curly cues and silly laughs
Pink painted nails and bubble baths
Tea parties with princesses and princes
Anything she wants, anything for our tiny misses
With mommies eyes, yet daddies little girl
Your everything for us, your our whole world
I never imagined, I would get this chance
To have my baby girl, at home with me at last
As I kiss her forehead softly, she smiles in delight
Clinging onto my fingers, so strong and so tight
I’ll protect you forever, through the day and into the night
My darling daughter, for you I will always fight
On this day a child is born, oh what a lovely sight
With her tiny ears and her tiny eyes
She is special in her mother’s eyes
A beautiful baby girl, she is such a prize
And I jot down this special poem
To honor a special child

On a cold starry night a baby is born
There is magic in her cries
There is love in her eyes
She is a bundle of joy
Everyone wants to hold her
She is a heaven sent gift
A mother’s first love.
On this day a baby girl is born
Sugar, spice and everything nice
Cheers and laughter whenever she smiles
A new born baby is a sight to behold
She is loved and it’s not a surprise
Today we welcome a new member of the family
Welcome home baby girl
I loved you before I met you
I felt you in my heart
I knew that once I met you
That we would never part
My life is now for you
Our lives are bound together
Baby girl you are so precious
We are here for you forever
A pink squishy bundle in my arms
You take me in with your charms
Tiny hands and tiny feet
I kiss you on your rosy cheek
I thank the lord that you’re well
Giving birth was utter hell
But I’d do it all again for you
To give you sibling number two
Snug and pink all wrapped up
A bundle of joy in my arms
Smelling like sweet flowers
Beguiling with your charms
Tiny fingers tiny toes
Where you came from
Heaven knows
Loving you is now my life
Keeping you safe from strife
When you were born you filled my heart with pride,
And I was overcome by the joy I felt inside.
As I held you in my arms that very first day,
I knew I would never let any harm come your way.
With your tiny little hands and tiny little feet,
Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat.
As I watch you sleep in the middle of the night,
I hope and pray I will do everything right.
I know I may make some mistakes along the way,
But I promise to do my best not to every single day.
I often wonder what you will grow up to be,
But whatever you become will be fine with me.
So whatever you may decide to do in your life,
Maybe an astronaut, a lawyer, or even a doctor’s wife.
I can say this without any doubt at all,
I will always be there to catch you if you fall.
And another promise I make to you from me,
Daddy’s little angel you will always be.
Ten tiny fingers, Ten tiny toes,
Two little eyes, and one little nose.
A beautiful smile, curly hair
A perfect angel, a little girl
She watches my every move,
Sure not to miss a beat,
I can’t believe I am a mom,
It’s different, but neat,
My hero, my savior,
My own little me,
The love of my life.
An unbreakable bond between her and I,
No limit to love,
When it reaches the sky
My sweet daughter,
There are many things I want for you;
A life filled with joy and fulfillment.
For you to see the word.
To meet new people,
And learn as much as you can.
Find inspiration in the little things,
And to say no to the things that drain you.
Wherever this life takes you,
Just know that,
From the moment I met you,
I knew I will do anything for you.
Little girl,
Don’t grow up so fast!
You’ve already doubled in size.
Little girl,
I can’t believe it!
You’ve already said your first word.
Little girl,
Look at you go!
You’re walking so well.
Little girl,
Don’t you know?
You’ll always be, my little girl.
Pink and purple clothes,
Tiny, little bows.
Ponies and puppies galore,
Tons of toys on the floor.
Princess crowns,
Musical sounds,
Dancing and playing with you,
So many things to do!
Glitter everywhere.
Lavender in the air.
You have so many shoes,
You’re not even in your twos!
My baby girl loves me.
My baby girl fills all with glee.
She approaches all challenges With a grin,
Because she glows with Confidence that helps her win.
I love my baby girl with all my Heart,
Without her I feel my life would Quickly fall apart.
A baby girl is a lot to handle,
So you cannot expect to be an
Baby girls require a lot
Of attention.
It is fairly easy to give the love And affection needed,
But not always received with Ease.
Does that make sense?
Not entirely sure,
But baby girls are definitely Worth the extra effort.
Baby girl so new in this world,
So learn from the old of this World.
Baby girl so pure in this world,
So grow without the corruption Of the world.
Baby girl so small in this world,
So let your voice be big in this World.
Baby girl so wise in this world,
So you listened to me in this World.
My baby girl, my beautiful one
I’m here for you, always.
I will be your support
Most definitly for all of your days.
You will do great things,
Of this, I surely know
I can’t wait to watch you grow.
To my beautiful girl,
The one that made me a mom
I can’t thank you enough
For what you have already done.
It was love at first sight,
My duty no longer for myself
But to care for you wholeheartedly
This is my wonderful lot!
My little girl
You came into this world
With such a high price.
And still you are worth
Every sacrifice.
Your future will be
Inredible, unlike any other
I am beyond thankful
That I am able to take the title
Of being your loving mother.
A girl grows into a women strong and sure.
Sing now words of courage, teach her to stand tall.
A girl in this world grows wings to fly and soar above it all.
Such a wonder to behold this young child you have
brought into the world.
Her eyes alight with wonder latch on to you.
Something so new and precious- a daughter.
Dawn is more beautiful now that she is here,
arriving from heaven into your arms.
Safe and healthy here she has arrived home.
Nine months of waiting, anticipating.
Asking questions- who will they be?
Will the baby have grandma’s nose, royal Italian toes?
Eyes brown or green- it is yet to be seen.
So soon a new life will arrive into your world.
Let your heart unfurl- it’s a girl!
Baby girls are oh so sweet; From the tops of their heads to the toes on their feet; Their laughs bring you smiles, and their cries bring you tears; But they’ll always bring love throughout all of your years!
Newborn girls are gifts from the Lord; When angels sing a perfect chord; With hair like spun gold and teeth pearly white; They give us blessings all day and night; May your daughter grow up to be lovely and wise; And remain an angel in your eyes!
Your newborn daugther is a lovely girl; The most important person in your World; Every day will bring you pleasure; A precious girl for you to treasure; Cute and sweet and warm and fun; She is sure to bring joy to everyone!
Her kinds eyes
Gentle locks of hair
What a sweet, kind face
Tiny fingers and toes
Your precious baby girl
Is a blessing to this world
Keep her close to your heart
And cherish her always
Your little girl is your greatest treasure
Congratulations on your bundle of love
Ten little fingers
Ten little toes
A sweet little face
With a precious button nose
Your baby girl is just so sweet
She is the one I am so excited to meet!
In my arms I would love to hold
Your sweet baby girl
Who is a sight to behold!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl
Seeing pictures of your precious baby girl
Makes me so happy
Seeing her bright little curls
There is nothing that I love more
You are already a great parent
It warms me to my core
Your little girl is so blessed
To have you in her life
She is so cutely dressed
There are no words to express
How happy I am for you
Your baby girl is so cute
Her little eyes are so blue
There is no doubt about it
She looks just like you
bows in your hair
curls growing just right
a pink little dress
fits you just right
a kiss for you
or maybe two
warm little socks
for all ten toes
a little girl for me
with such a cute nose
dimples and grins
a beautiful little girl
blond little curls
and pink little bows
wrapped up snug
and tight
eyes as blue as emeralds
looking up at me
my beautiful little girl
with bows in her hair
sweet baby girl
so beautiful and bright
your smile can melt millions
you have a heart of gold
sweet baby girl
so smart and vibrant
eyes like the sky
sweet baby girl
i love you so
sweet baby girl
my heart is yours
When you were conceived you filled my heart with satisfaction,
Also, I was overwhelmed by the delight I felt inside.
As I held you in my arms that absolute first day,
I realized I could never give any mischief a chance to come your direction.
With your small little hands and minor little feet,
Each time I take a gander at you my heart skirts a beat.
As I watch you rest amidst the night,
I realize I may commit a few errors en route,
However, I guarantee to do my best not to each and every day.
I will dependably be there to get you in the event that you fall.
Also, another guarantee I make to you from me,
Mummy’s little heavenly attendant you will dependably be.
Coming into my reality, is the thing that I long anticipate
Nine months have passed so gradually, giving you and personal time to relate.
Your entry will offer wings to us, changing couple to sweet family.
I have perused to you lines of verse to build up your affection for stanza,
I have sung to you melodies and psalms I cherish, to extinguish your otherworldly thirst.
I have addressed you of God, the delight and expectation He provides for my heart,
the best favors that will be presented to you, are the gifts of family and
Little and Sweet.
My Little Girl so little and sweet,
Those minor hands and small feet.
Regular I watch you develop,
You show me all that I know.
Such a delight to be near,
Each grin and each stable.
Number one you will remain,
Every single day.
You transformed myself in such great ways,
‘Much thanks to You’ is all that I can say.
I want to watch you rest during the evening,
Snuggled warm and wrapped up tight.
As I flicker the time it flies,
It makes me extremely upset to see you cry.
I gave you life, so glad to state,
I’ll cherish you more with consistently.
My daughter so little and sweet,
For you my heart, It pulsates and thumps.