It is stuck on the boot menu/ app menu screen and wont fully power on, its a Lenovo thinkpad yoga 14 its been going on

Technician's Assistant chatimg
Customer: it is stuck on the boot menu/ app menu screen and wont fully power on
Technician's Assistant: What's the make and model of your machine? And how long has the screen been an issue?
Customer: its a Lenovo thinkpad yoga 14 its been going on for about a few days and nothing works
Technician's Assistant: What's the model and Operating System (OS) of your Lenovo?
Customer: the model is a 20DM008UUS and I believe its running windows 8
Technician's Assistant: When did you purchase your Lenovo? What troubleshooting have you tried?
Customer: 8.1
Technician's Assistant: Anything else you want the computer expert to know before I connect you?
Customer: I got it about a year ago and nothing on the troubleshooting end, ive gone through this menu and nothing gets it to restart i even tried to put it into bootmanager mode and it gets me right here once it loads
Answered by Emanuel Flores in 5 mins 7 years ago
Technical Services at LSI Computers

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sure thing

Does your computer ever load to Windows at all?

the issue isn't happening on the laptop I'm on now it on a Lenovo, i am currently working on my dell
could you just guide we on what to do to get past this pop up


B​y experience, it seems as though your HDD (Hard Drive) maybe already failed. The only reason why you can't get past the Boot Menu is cause the computer itself is looking for Windows to boot / load but if your HDD has already failed, then the computer is waiting for you to boot off another drive.

how can i boot off another drive?

To make sure this is the cause, you can go into your BIOS menu on your computer and try to find the HDD if it is still listed.

Or, you can try to boot into the Lenovo's Hardware Diagnostic software and run it to test the HDD to see if it is still in working condition.

I believe pressing F1 or F2 is the way to get into your BIOS Menu in your Lenovo. Make sure to restart your computer and press F1 or F2 to enter into the BIOS Menu.

i ran all the tests and it passed all of them and only failed one because it was not applicable
please hold while i attach a picture

Oh, well done.

On the Boot Menu, do you happen to see the your HDD in the list?

on the boot menu tab i see the following:windows boot manager
ATA HDD1: SanDisk SSD U110 16GB
on the app menu i see the following:Setup
Diagnostic Splash Screen
Lenovo Diagnostics

ATA HDD1: SanDisk SSD U110 16GB should be where Windows is booting off of. There's only one HDD / SSD that is installed in your computer. What happens if you select it?

the screen goes black and returns to the boot menu after about 5 seconds

So no error message or nothing?

If the HDD / SSD drive is ok and you can't load into Windows then this means Windows is corrupted and must be reinstalled again.

no error message just a blank screen
how can i do that from the boot/app menu

What happens if you select the Windows Boot Manger?

it shows the same blank screen for a lot longer time like 12 seconds and returns to the menu

I'm trying to find if your laptop has a recovery partition to reinstall Windows.

Did your computer come with any software disks?

no because i bought it from someone but it hasn't done this in the past 5 months or so or ever for that matter

Try this, restart your computer and press F11. Tell me what happens.

i just restarted it and on the loading screen i press F11 and also Ctrl+F11 and also Fn+F11 but nothing happens
just got me back to the boot menu screen

Wow. Pressing F11 should've triggered a recovery to reinstall Windows.

yeah nothing is happening, i do have a 2TB harddrive i just bought yesterday but nothing is on it so I'm not sure if we can use it to boot another way
the laptop has lots of important info on it i need tomorrow but i don't know if we can even get it to factory reset mode from this screen, at this rate id rather see it boot up and hope the files don't delete

Well good thing you told me that cause I was trying to reinstall it as new again but that required erasing everything.

Let's try one more step.

Let's go into your BIOS Menu. When you get to the Boot Menu / App Menu on your screen go to App Menu and choose Setup.

is it possible to save the files when its in this state?
I'm on the setup page and i have the following tabs to navigate through:

Yes but this requires to open the laptop and pull the HDD / SSD out and buying a enclosure device to connect to your HDD / SSD drive and connecting it to another computer to extract the files off.


Head over to Startup tab.

T​ell me what is listed where it reads UEFI / Legacy Boot.

what do u mean my enclosure device? or is that the name for it

One of these devices. You insert your drive in it and by USB cable connect to another computer and you can extract your files.

it reads: [UEFI Only]

It's just like an external HDD.

oh okay

Where it reads UEFI Only try changing it to Both. Press enter to change it.

it wont let me even select it

Can you navigate to UEFI/Legacy Boot? You should have the UEFI/Legacy Boot highlighted and to your right where it reads UEFI Only, it should be highlighted in black and then by pressing Enter you can choose from three choices.

UEFI/Legacy Boot - CSM Support
[UEFI Only] *unselectible for secure boot
it wont let me select it

What else is listed under UEFI/Legacy Boot?

well on the startup menu theres a arrow for boot and below that it has the UEFI thingy and also boot mode, option key display, boot device list F12 option, and boot order lock

Can you navigate to UEFI/Legacy Boot Priority? Is it listed on your screen?

no it wont let me
here is a pic

I assume you also can't change CSM Support to Yes can you?

yep, it skips that whole section

Darn. That could be the reason why it won't load into Windows. CSM should be set to Yes.

C​ould you go to Boot Order Lock and select disabled?

yeah, that could be it. and yeah i switched boot order lock to disabled
do you think if i turned it off and took the disc out and put it back it would make a difference

I have a Lenovo ThinkPad T440 and my BIOS settings is set like this:

​UFEI/Legacy Boot - Both

UFEI/Legacy Boot Priority - Legacy First

CSM Support - Yes

i would like to save the files on the computer so maybe i should try getting the enclosure something tomorrow and trying that path out
the solid state drive, not disc sorry

I found out something. Try this, go to Security tab, find Secure Boot, enter and tell me what is listed.

this is what i am seeing
sent a photo above
Secure boot - enabled
platform mode - setup mode
secure boot mode- custom mode
reset to setup mode - enter
restore factory keys - enter
clear all secure boot keys - enter

Ok, try going to Secure Boot and select Disable. Once done go over back to Startup tab and try to change the CSM Support to Yes.

nice, now i can select UEFI/legacy and CSM
should i also change uefi to both

Choose CSM to Yes then exit and save.

Keep UEFI to Only for now.

by doing this and saving what should happen?
would like to know before proceeding

It should restart your computer and then we'll see if it loads past the Boot Menu screen.

will files be corrupted

No. We're trying to tell the computer in how to boot properly again.

the computer had a different loading screen this time, usually its Lenovo in white letters but this time it was the think pad logo so thats a change but were still on the boot menu
after about 20 seconds the menu came back

Ok, it's a start. Let's go back into BIOS Menu again, go to Startup, select UEFI/Legacy and change it to BOTH now. Save and exit.

okay doing it give me a quick sec
taking longer on the loading screen
this time it loaded on the thinkpad loading screen for about 2 minutes, 30 seconds in the sign disappeared leaving a black screen and then returned to it and then went on for the remaining 1 min 30 sec before returning to the boot/app meny

If it takes long, try pressing F12 for the quick boot menu. Once there, select your HDD / SSD and press enter.

Besides in UEFI/Legacy having UEFI Only and Both, was there another option to select?

i cant access the setup no more but the other option was legacy
okay i restarted the laptop and got back to it and now it reads:uefi/legacyboot - both
uefi/legacy boot priority - legacy first
csm support - yes
boot mode - quick

Try changing it to Legacy this time. Save and exit.

will do
i cant get the startup option to show
i got to the startup menu

So did you get past the Boot Menu now?

no, i just selected legacy saved it and I'm Baack to the same page

Wow. I just burned out all available options in how to get your computer to boot into Windows. It should've worked when we unlocked CSM to yes and choose Both for UEFI/Legacy.

yeah I'm not sure what to do to overcome this

Only thing I can come up with is perhaps the Windows OS is damaged.

i ran all the diagnostics tests and it passed all so I'm not sure
how could the os get damaged though??

Diagnostics doesn't test the Windows software. It only runs hardware tests.

aah okaay

Does your Lenovo still have warranty?


I was going to recommend to take your laptop to the nearest Lenovo shop and have them check it out in person. Perhaps they can actually get your laptop up and running. Here's a link to find the nearest Lenovo tech shop >>>

okay, i think i will go to bed and explore more tomorrow

Sorry I couldn't get this done through here. In a situation like yours, it's pretty difficult for me to troubleshoot when the laptop is not in front of me.

That is why I recommend to find a Lenovo tech shop service in your area and hope a local tech can fix your issue hands on.

yeah it was a tough one
ill try and do the enclosure thing tomorrow and find a tech shop later as i need the files badly
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Emanuel Flores
201 satisfied customers
Tech Support Specialist
Emanuel Flores
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