I have a Carrier Infinity System using the ABCD wiring, trying to replace my dual zone thermostats to Ecobee on

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Customer: I have a Carrier Infinity System using the ABCD wiring, trying to replace my dual zone thermostats to Ecobee on traditional AC wiring
Contractor's Assistant: Have you replaced your thermostat or parts of it before? If so, how long ago?
Customer: No Ihave not
Contractor's Assistant: How long has this been going on with your air conditioner? What have you tried so far?
Customer: Everything is working fine, just need to replace thermostats
Contractor's Assistant: Is there anything else the HVAC Tech should know before I connect you? Rest assured that they'll be able to help you.
Customer: No
Answered by airheatman in 5 mins 2 years ago
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Hello Tim
Okay as you already know the ABCD terminals are for the communicating system. The RGCWYW etc  one the others are conventional terms where each letter controls a certain component. Tell me a little bit about the equipment you are trying to control with the thermostat.
I have a Carrier Infinity System dual zone system. My thermostats are shot so I am looking to swap them out for Ecobee
I have a Carrier Infinity System with dual zones. My thermostats are shot and looking to replace them with Ecobee
How many wires are ran between the thermostat and the zone panel? And what is the number on your zone panel?
There are four wires, no C wire on the main thermostat, two wires off the other thermostat. The Green, Blue and White are straight into the ABCD connector from the main thermostat. The Red is spliced over to the other thermostat wires, Red and White and that Red is then it is the last of the four wires tied into the ABCD connector
Okay you are going to need at least six wires to be able to use a non-communicating thermostat. Is that something that you can do?
Picture of the circuit board and wiring
Also you noted that it is a zoned system. Attach me a picture of that zone board between the thermostat and the furnace.
I just sent the pic, did you receive it?
I have the PEK, power extender kits off the Ecobee thermostats, but I believe that is set up for five wires only. I would assume this means that we will not be using that and using the six wires, four from the main thermostat and two from the second thermostat?
I received a picture of the furnace control board. There's this thermostat wire directly to the control board rather than a zone panel?
This is the only circuit board on the system, nothing else
I assuming the zoning control is built into the circuitry?
What we will need from the new thermostat is the following:R,G,W,W2,C and Y.
The second thermostat most likely just opens a damper.
The first thermostat wire is four, blues, green, white and red. The second has red and white, but there is also a green that is not being used
Okay in order to use one of the conventional thermostats you are going to have to have all the wires that I listed in my last comment. If you only have four or five wires that is not enough. You are going to want to stay with your communicating thermostat.
Are you saying that my main thermostat wire need to have six wires or I need six wires in total? In total I have seven wires
To use a conventional thermostat you will have to have the following.

    Y – Compressor Stage 1 (Cooling) G – Fan C – Common W - Heat Stage 1 (Heating) / Reversing valve for Heat Pump systems W2 – Heat Stage 2 (Heating) / Backup Heat R – 24vac (Heating transformer)

Also Y2 if ac is two stage

Isn't that accomplished with the PEK unit from Ecobee?
No. All the PEK does is make it possible to have a common wire. It converts the four existing thermostat wires to a five wire setup.
Doesn't that leave us something in the remaining wiring to wire directly that is not into the PEK to use?

Give me the model on the furnace.

It says it is a Infinity 80, model 58CVX090

Here are the ssix wires needed between main thermostat and furnace.

Tim, I have the four off my main, and three off my second, what gets combined and what gets used where?
Doe this mean the PEK is used?
I'm not sure how else to explain it. Four wires is not enough between the main and the unit. Do you use the ecobee you are going to need six wires.
Well my furnace closet it 5 feet in a hallway from my thermostat. Should I run a new line with six wires?
That is correct for the main. Then we have to determine how that second thermostat is wired in if there is no other panel. Follow the two wires from that thermostat and tell me what they connect to at the thermostat and in the furnace.
Let me go check
My mistake! I assumed the two wire were to my second thermostat upstairs. They appear to go to this unit.
I assume it is some kind of evaporator?
It leads up to here with an open PVC pipe
This is a condensate pump. The wires from this just break the circuit if the pump fails so we don't have water everywhere. Just wire it back in just like it is now. You can either break the R wire or the Y in wire.
Well, that leaves us now back to four wires only correct?
That leaves us with our six wires and the condensate pump is breaking one of those wires. It can break the r or it can break the Y

Here is a new drawing with the pump in the circuit..

If I follow correctly, then one of the wires off the condensate pump (let's call it the white wire) has given us our fifth wire from our original 4 wires, giving us five of the six. That leaves the red and green off the condensate pump, are we using one of those for our sixth wire, or are those remaining unused and now we bring in the PEK for our C wire/sixth wire?

Forget the PEK

Run a a wire from RC on thermostat to R on furnace board.

Run a wire from W1 on the thermostat to W on furnace board

Run a wire from W2 on thermostat to W2 on furnace board.

Run a wire from G on the thermostat to G on the furnace board.

Run a wire from Y on thermostat to white from pump.

Run Red from pump to Y on furnace board.

Run a wire from Y on furnace board to ac outside.

Run a wire from C on the thermostat to C on the furnace board and from C on furnace board to ac outside..

I believe I follow with the exception of the "outside" references. Are you saying I need to run new wiring out to the AC unit to the side of my house?
You do not need to run new wires between the furnace and outside unit. There is already a wire ran there. However that wire is currently connected to ABCD from the control board. You will need to disconnect the ABCD between the outdoor unit and the furnace and use two of those wires to go to Y and C on the control board and the outdoor unit.
Given my ABCD are green, white, blue, and red and your description includes green on green and red on RC, I assume the white is W1 in your description, is the other white from the pump the W2? Then what do I use the blue for, is that my new C wire? Last, do I use the green (currently unused) on the pump for anything?
In all honesty it makes no difference what color wire you use for what. As long as you have six wires from the thermostat to the furnace and they attached to the letters in my drawing.
Well, based on what I described, will that work, white from the pump to W2 and blue becoming the C wire? If so, a few remaining questions: 1) If it makes no difference on the wires, isn't there something at my AC unit that is still ABCD that might need to change? 2.) At the actual thermostat now there are only 4 wires, what do I do there? 3.)The green wire from the pump remains unused? 4.) Are we assuming that whatever controls my dampener to cool or warm zone 1 vs 2 is in the circuitry of the board since no wiring seems additional? 4.) Will my upstairs Ecobee, just pick up on everything done downstairs on the main thermostat?
Like I said you can choose which colors you want. As long as we have a wire to each of those terminals and it is wired just like my drawing. As for the other unit I have not seen anything on this unit that leads me to believe they are connected. The wires from that thermostat may go to a damper motor.
Ok, so the upstairs unit will likely work in sequence with the other and just control the damper, so that answers my initial question and questions 4 and 5. How about questions 1,2,& 3: at the AC unit, nothing needs to happen there, it will just take the changes? What do I do at the thermostat with only 4 wires? Is the green from the pump not needed to tie into anything?
Come to think of it, would it work if I just left the Carrier thermostat connected upstairs? One less thing to deal with unless it will conflict with what we are doing on the main thermostat
You should be able to leave that thermostat up there. As for the other questions we are just sort of repeating ourself over and over and over. Wire as per my diagram.
I'm sorry Tim, just trying to be safe. The green is dead, got it, but the AC unit will in fact just accept what we are doing inside, even though it is surely wired ABCD outside? And I guess I need to find a way to get two more wires to the actual thermostat? Those two are from the pump I am assuming?
Okay we already discussed that your thermostat is only a few feet away from the furnace so you were going to run a new six wire cable. Once you run that six wire cable wire exactly as shown in the diagrams I have sent. Disconnect ABCD at furnace and in the outdoor unit. Used two of the wires going to the outdoor unit to connect to Y and C in outdoor unit.
Understood, I mentioned that I could do that, but thought the damper made it possible not to since I had the number of wires needed. I just need those two wires to fish over to the thermostat from the damper. That was my question. As for the AC unit outside, (I haven't looked there yet) it will have the same ABCD connector, unplug it, there will be the same wire terminals on the side of the circuit board, similar to the furnace board, and I detach the same wires I am using inside and connect only the C and Y wires onto the terminal? If I do run new wire altogether inside, does the outside simply receive a signal from the C and Y so it doesn't matter what I connect?
I should clarify my last sentence... so it doesn't matter which color I connect
I understand that you may be frustrated with me but you just threw the outside AC unit rewire after suggesting to go ahead with new wire inside. I just really need to know if I do use new wire how does it affect the AC unit? The only thing I'm thinking is to use the C and Y wires, splice with the new inside wire and follow your diagram, is that it?
Sorry if I seem frustrated, it is just that you want to keep going back to the four wires currently used. Based on the information you have provided. the second thermostat does not connect to this unit in any way. You said the wires that you thought went to the thermostat up there were actually going to the pump. I will make one last drawing.If this still does not make since, you are going to want to get a local onsite tech to help. Wish I was there.
The only clarification I am asking for is the AC unit. I see your diagram and follow you, but that does not answer my question for outside. I am using the existing wiring out there from the AC unit, so am I supposed to take the existing wires inside and combine them with the new wire C and Y wire onto the furnace circuit board?
Sorry Tim, I'm not sure how the two circuit boards communicate. Is it the wires or the boards themselves, that's why I need the clarification
The old setup was "Communicating" AB were data transfer wires. CD was 24v Power.

You are UNPLUGGING ALL ABCD wires at furnace and in the outdoor.

You are using TWO of the old FOUR wires between furnace and outdoor ac.

You are just going to connect those two wires to Y and C in outdoor and Y and C on furnace board along with Y and C from thermostat. Just like my drawing.

If I understand what you just described, then what I asked is correct? Inside I do have two Y's and two C's, one represents the old and the other is the new to the thermostat. They are combined and placed onto the furnace board? Sounds like we finally got there!
Great, thank you! One last question, if I do all this and something is off, is there a way to reach you still?

Absolutely. Just come back here.

Thanks again Tim, have a great evening!

You too. Keep me informed.

Will do!
Thank you, ***** ***** way, what gauge of wire? I'm guessing somewhere around 18 gauge?
Thank you
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