I have a carrier infinity 96 furnace with a phr01- thermostat. neither are working. Its about 12 years old. the led
Contractor's Assistant: Are you getting any error codes or blinking lights on your Carrier furnace? How old is it?
Customer: its about 12 years old . the led light in the furnace is blinking yellow 4 times
Contractor's Assistant: How long has this been going on with your Carrier furnace? What have you tried so far?
Customer: check the fuse at the switch. also the tstat isn't working
Contractor's Assistant: Is there anything else the HVAC Tech should know before I connect you? Rest assured that they'll be able to help you.
Customer: i don't thnk so
I am the expert and know these thermostats very well
Ok the thermostat is blank. You were using the heat? Please go to your furnace
On your furnace panel, you should have an error code legend on a sticker
Abnormal flame signal?!
Ok first step, let’s reset the unit. Go to your electric panel, find the breaker for Furnace, and trip it. If you have a heat pump / ac, trip that second breaker as well. Leave everything off, and go back to your furnace, the code should disappear, no more light
If you have a switch at your furnace directly, that is fine as well.
IF it is still blinking, the power is still on.
LED is ON? Or OFF?
OK power back on please.
That's fine. Watch what the code is this time.
Ok and what does it signify on your error code chart?
What is 13
OK what does it mean?
Show me a picture of the code on the manual and what it means please
Find the rollout switch, and let's reset it.
It should be near the burners, with 2 wires going to it, and the button in the middle.
At the top
Where the burners are. Do you see the burners?
Show me a picture from further
No. That is for the motherboard. The burners are at the top
The top please. All the way at the top, where the flames would usually burn.
Yes! Look at the metal box at the top. The rollout is on the right of it, with the wires.
Here. Where the red wires lead to. Press the middle button between the two wires.
Here. Where the red wires lead to. Press the middle button between the two wires.
Is the LED light still blinking the same
Turn the power back off, wait 1-2 minutes, and power back on.
Still there?
There you go. You're all set.
Make sure your filter is clean and your exhaust clear to avoid it tripping again
Go see your thermostat. Is it now working
Good. Now you can turn the heat on. Make sure your filter is clean.
My pleasure. Heartwarming to help. You've done well to reach out. I truly hope you are satisfied with my service, and will remain here, at your disposal, should you need me for anything else. Have a wonderful day, and God bless.
Thank you so kindly.

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