My laptop is displaying chinese and english languages. I am unable to remove the chinese. Its a HP probook 6570b. I just

Technician's Assistant chatimg
Customer: my laptop is displaying chinese and english languages. I am unable to remove the chinese.
Technician's Assistant: What's the brand/model and Operating System (OS) of your laptop?
Customer: Its a HP probook 6570b
Technician's Assistant: What have you tried so far with your ProBook? Have you installed any updates recently?
Customer: I just purchased it from ebay. I have not installed any updates
Technician's Assistant: Is there anything else the Computer Expert should know before I connect you? Rest assured that they'll be able to help you.
Customer: no
Answered by ShawnTheITGuy in 2 mins 3 years ago

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Is your laptop running Windows 10?

Are you still there?

okay, go to Windows Settings, by clicking on the windows icon on the lower left, then click on the gear icon.  Once Windows Settings opens, click on Time & Language, then Language (on the left side).  Here you should see the Chinese language and be able to remove it by clicking on it, then clicking the remove button.

My computer says English and there is no Chinese
There is a Chinese symbol next to the English A
Customer attachment 7/29/2021 6:52:48 PM
my computer only displays english, There is no chinese to remove.
I wasn't sure
But there is no other options
Customer attachment 7/29/2021 7:07:52 PM
Are you still connected?

I too have that same symbol next to my English on the Language page

Okay, I see, that is on your Edge Browser

Is this an issue you are able to show me how to repair?

what web browser are you using?  Google Chrome?  Internet Explorer?  Or Microsoft Egde?

I will definitely try and assist you.

I use Google mainly. But Edge and Microsoft explorer are available also

Can you click on the 3 dots on the right hand side towards the top, then go to Settings?

Its in a foreign language

Within settings, you should see Languages.  Let's check there to see if there are other languages present

there are many languages and regions settings

Please see the attached screenshot.

you can simply remove the other languages here and keep English as your primary if that is what you prefer.

I tried that but I'll attempt again

okay. this is within Microsoft Edge browser

Customer attachment 7/29/2021 7:19:39 PM

Sorry for the confusion, you have to be within Microsoft Edge

Then the 3 little dots on the top right hand side, Settings. From within settings there is Lanuages on the left hand side.

I was, my laptop just restarted when I changed a setting
I can't read it. I'm online, but I chat there is gone
I can only see the symbols

Sorry for the confusion, you have to be within Microsoft Edge

Then the 3 little dots on the top right hand side, Settings. From within settings there is Lanuages on the left hand side.

Customer attachment 7/29/2021 7:25:45 PM
Which one is it

okay it's the little gear icon towards the bottom

once that opens up, then Languages is the 6th from the bottom

Customer attachment 7/29/2021 7:28:30 PM

towards the right there should be a button to add lanuages

Customer attachment 7/29/2021 7:30:41 PM

perfect, click the button at the top (in the rectangular box), this will allow you to add English

Is it the last one

yes, the last one that has the parenthesis

I did that

is this the only application displaying in Chinese?  or are other programs displaying in Chinese as well?

All of them

I might need to connect to your computer to further assist you

I appreciate your help so far. I'll just keep trying. Thank you

lastly, you can try this

click on the 3 dots next to English, then select Display Microsoft Edge in this language

Ok, I'll try it. My laptop is updating right now, after it finishes I'll see if it works

okay great, you're very welcome.

Good day, I just wanted to follow up to see if your issue has been resolved.

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