The Keesler Air Force Base Equal Opportunity Office policy is to provide equal opportunity and treatment to enhance unit cohesiveness, military readiness and mission accomplishment. This is achieved by...
The Keesler Chapel provides a wide variety of programs for all age groups, including worship services, Bible studies, counseling, marriage enrichment, family and personal development activities. Programs are conducted in...
CHPS is a mobile worksite wellness program providing free resources to help the civilian workforce maintain and improve their health and well-being. CHPS delivers...
The program is focused on improving the relationships of the families at Keesler AFB. It consists of four components --Prevention, Outreach, Treatment, and Victim Advocacy. New Parent Support Program is a prevention program for...
FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress) provides resilience training to Active-Duty service members of all branches and their families to build upon the strengths that already exist. The program is designed to...
The mission of Health Promotion is to coordinate, evaluate, and promote installation- specific, evidence-based interventions that support healthy behavior change to...
For any crisis or emergency, call 911, report to the nearest emergency room, or contact the toll-free, confidential 24-hour hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text 838255.
The Military & Family Readiness Flight provides targeted support and services, contributing to the mission readiness, resiliency and well-being of...
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