London is the epitome of a global city with diverse communities, historic landmarks, amazing nightlife, world-class museums and outdoor markets. With a history that spans over 2,000 years, it is no wonder most agree with the Samuel Johnson quote, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” Read more about England and London.
- Study at London South Bank University (LSBU) in central London
- Wide selection of courses in various academic disciplines
- Internship opportunities for qualified students
- Maximum of 4 courses per semester and 2 courses during summer (note: internship counts as 1 course)
- Transcripts issued by LSBU and/or State University of New York at Old Westbury (accredited in the USA)
- Cultural field trips in London, Stonehenge, Oxford or Cambridge, and Wales or another destination outside England)
- Affordable comprehensive program fee
- Pre-departure advising and planning
- KEI Onsite Director and 24/7 emergency support
Semester & year concentrations
- Arts: Design, Visual & Performance
- Business & Economics
- Communications: Journalism, Media & Advertising
- Computer Science & Information Systems
- Criminology, Forensics & Law
- Engineering & Applied Science
- Environment: Science, Policy & Management
- Fashion Merchandising
- International Relations & Political Science
- Medicine, Health & Nutrition
- Psychology & Social Sciences
- Sports: Science, Management & Training
- Tourism & Hospitality
- Internships & Community Service
Summer concentrations
- Internships & Community Service
- Academic Year (mid September to late May)
- Fall Semester (mid September to mid December)
- Spring Semester (mid January to late May)
- Summer Internship (early to late June)
Eduard Mandell
Managing Director
1.800.831.5095 ext. 3
[email protected]
Susannah Kyte
Onsite Director, England
[email protected]