Kamuiru Primary School Mutira, Kenya
Kamuiru Primary School is a public primary school in Mutira. This school is run by religious organization. It is a day school. This educational institution is a ordinary and mixed type of institution.The pupil to classroom ratio in this school is 21.9:1 and the pupil to toilet ratio is 13.1:1. There are total 24 classrooms, 19 boys toilets, 21 girls toilets and 2 teachers toilets. The total numbers of students enrolls in this school are 525. GOK TSC (Teachers Service Commission) males are 12 There are 2 non-teaching staff males and 2 female non-teaching staff in Kamuiru Primary School, Mutira.
School Name | Kamuiru Primary School | |
Location | Mutira | |
Category | Ordinary, Mixed, Day Only | |
Management | Religious Organization |
School Location Details
Kamuiru Primary School is located in Central province, Kirinyaga district, Ndia divison, Mutira location and Kerugoya/Kutus Constituency. The geographical location map coordinates for this school is -0.485271 (Latitude), 37.241001 (Longitude).
Province | Central | |
District | Kirinyaga | |
Division | Ndia | |
Constituency | Kerugoya/Kutus | |
Location | Mutira | |
Coordinates | -0.485271, 37.241001 |
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