Census & Acuity-based
Adaptive Scheduling

Deploy your ideal staffing model to achieve a healthier and happier workforce

Ensure the right person is scheduled for every shift

Rest assured that your shifts are properly staffed, not over or understaffed, while minimizing unnecessary use of agency and OT. Kevala brings together your entire workforce behind a single login, allowing your schedulers the unprecedented ability to balance shift coverage, cost-effectiveness, employee preference, and compliance across all pools of labor.


Happy staff, lower costs, and better patient care

Intelligent scheduling for an optimized workforce

Built for happy employees, quality patient care, and better financial outcomes
increase in FTE engagement
return on investment
reduction in agency spend
10 hrs
saved per week per scheduler

The right person in the right shift in less time

With the entire workforce in one platform and intelligent automation

Customers love Kevala

Staffing isn't an issue for us anymore. We have full shifts without the crazy agency bills.

Annie Wingard
Executive Director

I've been doing staffing for 20 years and this is the best thing to happen to staffing since I started

Connie Donaldson
Coordinator, Staffing and Purchasing

I’m so excited. I posted and within an hour, shifts were being picked up. It's so easy to post and approve.

Kim Delgado
Executive Director, Assisted Living Facility

Efficient. Scalable. Reliable.

Get started

Better scheduling in just 2 weeks.


Latest news & articles

Kevala news
Kevala Appoints Lauren Wilson as Vice President and General Manager to Lead its Senior Housing and Long-Term Care Business Segment

Pioneering workforce management start-up Kevala today announced the appointment of 20-year healthcare and senior housing veteran Lauren Wilson to lead its growing Senior Housing and Long-Term Care business.

Healthcare Industry
Connecting the Dots: Scheduling Practices and Their Impact on CNA Turnover

A survey done by Washington State recently found the connection between turnover and part time CNAs. Learn how Kevala plays a huge role in this connection and what it could mean for the healthcare industry.

The Power of Digitization for Compliance

Compliance management is the continuing process of monitoring and evaluating an organization to ensure that all internal and external rules and regulations are followed.