The Essentials
  • Health Policy 101: Medicaid

    KFF’s new primer on U.S. health policy examines how major public programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and the ACA are structured, funded, operated, and more.
  • 10 Things: Medicaid Managed Care

    Managed care is the dominant delivery system for people enrolled in Medicaid. Data show that 75% of Medicaid beneficiaries nationally were enrolled in comprehensive managed care organizations (MCOs) in 2022.
  • Medicaid Financing: The Basics

    Medicaid represents $1 out of $6 spent on health care in the U.S. and is the major source of financing for state health coverage and long-term services and supports for low-income residents.
  • Medicaid Section 1115 Waivers: The Basics

    We explain how these waivers are used, summarize key waiver requirements, and outline the application and approval process.
Who is eligible
  • Mapping Medicaid Enrollment

    Half of all Republican congressional districts have 21% and half of all Democratic districts have 26% or more of their population enrolled in Medicaid.
  • Seniors and People with Disabilities

    More than 1 in 3 people with disabilities (15 million) have Medicaid (35%). In comparison, only 19% of people without disabilities have Medicaid.
  • Medicaid and Family Caregivers

    All states support family caregivers through Medicaid home care programs. The types of supports differ across various populations and states.
  • What is Medicaid Home Care (HCBS)?

    Many older adults and people with disabilities require assistance with self-care, such as bathing, dressing, and eating. Medicaid covers home care services for about 4.5 million people annually.
  • Adults with Mental Illness

    Options under consideration in Congress to significantly reduce Medicaid spending could have major implications for adults who live with mental illness
key facts about medicaid

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.