We all deserve to have a smile that we are truly proud to share with others. It is a right that professionals are able to offer any individual who comes in for cosmetic dentistry Hammersmith.

We have a range of different treatments that are aimed at highlighting your unique beauty, remaining natural whilst perfecting, whitening, straightening and strengthening your teeth and gums. A lot of our treatments can be designed to work in a bespoke manner for your unique situation and we are able to combine many to create a plan that is tailor made just for you.
This means that the results expected can be uniquely perfect for both what you are looking for with your teeth and what you need in order to have a fully functional and beautiful smile.
What are some of the treatments that we have available?
Cosmetic dentistry Hammersmith is all about listening to your needs and that means working to a specific timeline that is important to you. We even offer wedding day smile packages, knowing that these events, or ones very similar to it, are momentous in our patients’ lives. Such aspects that complete a special day simply need to fall into place and you can be assured that we can provide this kind of service. If you’re looking for a picture-perfect smile on your wedding day, then speak with us, knowing that we will work to this timeline and offer the right solutions to get that right result for you.
Depending on the time frame available, cosmetic dentistry Hammersmith has a number of different options on offer. Each situation is obviously different, however we can say that in general, anything between weeks and years we can work with.
For shorter time frames, veneers are a suitable choice for people with a range of different dental issues. This treatment consists of covering the outer surface of your tooth with a thin shell, creating a more desirable appearance.
We can do this with a single tooth that causes you discomfort, or multiple teeth, depending on your budget and your circumstances. If you have discoloured teeth that cannot be easily whitened because the staining is due to medication, ageing or past dental treatments, then veneers would be a favourable option for you.
You can also use this treatment for broken, chipped or cracked teeth as it also prevents further damage taking place whilst the veneer is in place. Slightly crooked or gapped teeth are also amended, meaning that you do not need to invest many months into correcting the appearance of your smile, which is especially important for wedding day treatments when the date is relatively close.
It only takes a couple of treatments to finalise veneers, an initial consultation and the preparing of the teeth for the placement and then the placement some weeks later. As your shells are bespokely, you do need to account for some time for these to be made, so that they suit your face and your original teeth perfectly, creating the most natural look possible.