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Dewey’s Pond, Quechee, Vermont
Second Prize (Landscape), Elden Murray Photographic Competition, Hanover, NH
Groton State Park, Vermont
Plymouth, Vermont
A.M. Foster Bridge, Cabot, Vermont
Barn, Cloudland Road, Quechee, Vermont
Bicknell Brook, Etna, New Hampshire
Moss Glen Falls, Study 11, Granville, Vermont
Bicknell Brook, Etna, New Hampshire
Texas Falls, Hancock, Vermont
Connecticut River, Ledyard Bridge, Hanover, New Hampshire
Woodstock Green, Woodstock, Vermont
Signs of Spring, Woodstock, Vermont
Barn, Woodstock Historical Society, Woodstock, Vermont
Fall Leaves in Ice, Woodstock, Vermont
Meetinghouse Farm Barn, Norwich, Vermont
Barn, Hewitt Hill Road, Pomfret, Vermont
Farmstead, Plymouth, Vermont
Coming Home, Norwich, Vermont
Whitman Brook Orchard, Quechee, Vermont
Barn, Hopson Road, Norwich, Vermont
Collapse, West Hartland, Vermont
SS Ticonderoga, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vermont
Pressure Gauge, SS Ticonderoga, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vermont
Amanda Sisk, Detail of Ernie Royal Monument for Rutland Vermont Sculpture Trail, work in progress
The Stone series comprises meditations on time and metamorphosis. Geologic time is deep time. Rocks are continually recycled, typically on timescales of millions of years. The origin and history of a rock are written, literally and metaphorically, in the variegated patterns on its surface and within.
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 1, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 2, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 3, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 4, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite Company, Study 5, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 6, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 7, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 8, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 9, Enfield, New Hampshire
Shaker Hill Granite, Study 10, Enfield, New Hampshire
Strafford Town House, Strafford, Vermont
Side, Strafford Town House, Strafford, Vermont
Facade, Strafford Town House, Strafford, Vermont
Door, Strafford Town House, Strafford, Vermont
Door Detail, Strafford Town House, Strafford, Vermont
Window, Strafford Town House, Strafford, Vermont
Tower, Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Rollins Chapel, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Rauner Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Black Theater, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Geisel Laboratory, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Admissions Office, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire
Door, Main Street, Norwich, Vermont
Entrance, Rauner Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Old No. 8, Graniteville, Vermont
First Prize (Landscape), Elden Murray Photographic Competition
Honorable Mention, #NewVisions2023
Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Proctor Marble Quarry, Proctor, Vermont
E. L. Smith Quarry, Graniteville, Vermont
Proctor Marble Quarry, Proctor, Vermont
Old No. 8, Graniteville, Vermont
Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Old No. 8 Panorama, Graniteville, Vermont
Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Study 5, Rochester, Vermont
Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Blocks, Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Equipment, Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Two Men Working, Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Three Men Working, Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
E. L. Smith Quarry, Barre, Vermont
Pirie Quarry, Barre, Vermont
Mushroom, Study 3
Emil Rueb Award, Elden Murray Photographic Competition, Hanover, NH
Second Prize (Other/Still Life), Elden Murray Photographic Competition, Hanover, NH
Permanent Collection, Howe Library, Hanover, NH
Mushroom, Study 10
Mushroom, Study 13
Mushroom, Study 5
Mushroom, Study 14
Mushroom, Study 4
Mushroom, Study 8
Mushroom, Study 19
Mushroom, Study 1
Mushroom, Study 2
Mushroom, Study 6
Mushroom, Study 9
Mushroom, Study 11
Mushroom, Study 15
Mushroom, Study 12
Mushroom, Study 18
Mushroom, Study 20
Rachel’s By The Bunch, Portland, Oregon
Plasma Flowers
Be the Bulb, Study 1
Be the Bulb, Study 2
Plato’s Cave
For those in peril on the sea
Ceci n'est pas un chapeau de paille
Outwash, Vermont Verde Antique Quarry, Rochester, Vermont
Ompompanoosuc River, Route 132 Bridge, Norwich, Vermont
Girl Dancing
Folded Paper, Study 3
Folded Paper, Study 7
Folded Paper, Study 11
Folded Paper, Study 15
Barn, Plymouth, Vermont
Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Artificial Architecture
We Can Do It!
Honorable Mention (Portrait), Elden Murray Photographic Competition, Hanover, NH
Charlie, Shelburne, Vermont
Glass Blower, Simon Pearce, Quechee, Vermont
Vermont Gothic
Aurora and Téa, Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, Vermont
Stone Troll, Millstone Trail, Barre, Vermont