2 features

Back-To-Work Tips - How To Prep Yourself: Get Enough Sleep, Eat Your Oranges, And Start Running
As the MCO phased into CMCO a few weeks back, 70% of Malaysians have returned to work, and the number is expected to increase gradually until daily life returns to how it was in the next few months. What are some things for you to take note of when returning to work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic? We've compiled a list of well-known as well as lesser-known tips for you to keep in mind as you prep yourself for returning to work.
18 Feb 2025

12 Stunning Mosques Across The Globe To Add Onto Your Travel List
Ramadhan Mubarak to our fellow Klook-ers! We know it's going to be a very different and possibly difficult Ramadhan for most of us this year, but keep your spirits high and always remember that better days are ahead. While you may not be able to visit a masjid this year, we've compiled a list of 12 stunning mosques across the globe (with 3 representatives from Malaysia!) for you to add onto your travel list once it's ok to travel again.
1 May 2020