Cervical Cancer Awareness: What causes it and how to prevent it

Published: Jan. 31, 2024 at 4:29 PM PST
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RENO, Nev. (KOLO) - Cervical cancer is something anyone with a cervix can have, but what causes cervical cancer in the first place? That is what health professionals want you to know:

Human Papilloma Virus is the number one cause of Cervical Cancer, if you don’t have the virus, the chances are very low, but it is everywhere: it’s on door handles, it’s under your nails, it’s everywhere and that is why it is a good reason to get vaccinated, says Dr. Chelsea Travers with Northern Nevada Hopes.

The good news? It is preventable with the HPV vaccine.

“The HPV vaccines also prevent other types of cancer not just cervical; they also prevent rectal cancers, oral cancers and warts so lots of good reasons to get vaccinated,” says Dr. Travers.

Health professionals say they recommend getting your first pap smear at 21.

“From there we can either do every three years or every five-year screening depending on the guidelines you’re following. But generally, every three years as long as your paps are negative if how often you should be getting screened,” says Dr. Travers.

More information on Cervical Cancer and Pap Smears:

Northern Nevada HOPES: January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month - Northern Nevada HOPES (nnhopes.org)

Reno Tahoe Women’s Health: Pap Smears — Reno Tahoe Women’s Health (renotahoewomenshealth.com)

Renown, Women’s Health Center: Renown Medical Group, Women’s Health - Center F | Renown Health