Mountain Biking Highlight
Mountain Biking Highlight
Mountain Biking Highlight
Mountain Biking Highlight
Mountain Biking Highlight
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<1 km
7.44 km
8.88 km
State Road:
1.22 km
895 m
1.20 km
3.18 km
6.77 km
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Know exactly what to expect with inch-by-inch surface, waytype, and elevation info.
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Highest Point:
250 m
Lowest Point:
10 m
Hiking Collection by Schwäbische Alb
Hiking Collection by Schwäbische Alb
Cycling Collection by Oberschwaben Tourismus
Cycling Collection by Oberschwaben Tourismus
Cycling Collection by Baden-Württemberg
Hiking Collection by Schwäbische Alb
Cycling Collection by Schwäbische Alb
Hiking Collection by hochgehberge
Hiking Collection by Schwäbische Alb
Cycling Collection by Oberschwaben Tourismus
Cycling Collection by Schwäbische Alb
Hiking Collection by Schwäbische Alb
Still no snow ❄️❄️😒
So today I got the bike out again in this weather 😊
It was
- A 🐷 nice round
- With 🐷 moderately beautiful views
- 🐷 moderate hair dryer 🌬
- 🐷-moderately dirty
- koi 🐷 otherwise on the way (or maybe... 😁😁)
🐷-dirty, but 🐷-moderately happy 😄👋🏼
@HAm 🧭
Still no snow??
Starting tomorrow you can cycle in shorts 🤓🩳
I wish you a healthy new year
Greetings Juergen
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