Marijuana Trafficking News Graphic

Missouri man who was arrested after an armed standoff with police pleads guilty to marijuana trafficking

A Missouri man pleaded guilty in federal court to illegally possessing a firearm following a brief armed standoff with police officers. Jamahl D. Jones, 35, Kansas City, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Brian C. Wimes to one count of possessing marijuana with the intent to distribute, one count of possessing a firearm in relation […]

Class Reunion

Laredo school alumni to host class reunion

Laredo school alumni will host a reunion Saturday, May 7th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.  Refreshments will be provided including homemade pies.  All past graduates, classmates, and friends are invited to attend.  If possible, guests are asked to RSVP to a board member so sufficient food will be available.  Phone numbers are Marlene Engleman at […]

Loren Ray Parkhurst

Obituary & Services: Loren Ray Parkhurst

Loren Ray Parkhurst, 89, Eagleville, MO, passed away Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at a Des Moines, IA hospital. He was born on July 24, 1932, the son of Orville and May (Hunsicker) Parkhurst. He was the second of six children. Loren attended grade school at a country school just a few miles from home. He […]

Ozarks Technical Community College website

Trenton High School Principal Kasey Bailey resigns, accepts position with Ozarks Technical Community College

Trenton High School Principal Kasey Bailey has announced his plans after the Trenton R-9 Board of Education accepted his resignation on April 12th. Bailey says he will be the Regional Director of College and Career Advisors for Ozarks Technical Community College based in Springfield. The position will be housed at North Central Missouri College. Bailey […]

Spickard, Missouri

Spickard Board of Aldermen approve budget for 2022-2023

The Spickard Board of Aldermen approved the 2022-2023 budget at the Monday evening meeting. Total income for April 1st, 2022 to April 4th, 2023 is estimated to be $135,145.56. Total expenses are anticipated to be $115,514.23. The totals include American Rescue Plan Act, general sewer, and water funds. Spickard anticipates $24,516.95 in ARPA funds and […]

North Mercer School District Website V1

North Mercer Board of Education reorganizes after election, offers contracts to staff

The North Mercer R-3 Board of Education offered contracts for a principal, a Communication Arts teacher, and non-certified staff members April 11th. Wade Hall was offered the contract for the district’s preschool through 12th grade principal. He is currently the Jamesport High School/Middle School principal. Cassie Moore was offered the contract for seventh through 12th […]


Missouri Corn Scholarship recipients announced

The Missouri Corn Growers Association and Missouri Corn Merchandising Council are proud to announce the 2022 Missouri Corn Scholarship recipients. Each student will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship to contribute to their college education.  Missouri high school seniors and college students entering their senior year pursuing a degree in agronomy or related field were eligible. Candidates […]

Gallatin Missouri High School FInal

Gallatin Board of Education to meet on Wednesday

The Gallatin R-5 Board of Education meets Wednesday evening, April 13, 2022, at 6 p.m. in the high school library. Reports are to be presented to the board by the superintendent, school principals, and the activity director. New business topics include the summer school handbook, instructional climate report, discussion on a fuel contract, and MSBA […]