USDA US Department of Agriculture

USDA announces 2022 cotton loan rate differentials

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Commodity Credit Corporation today announced the 2022 crop loan rate differentials for upland and extra-long staple cotton which are applied to the crop loan rate to determine the per bale actual loan rate. The differentials, also referred to as loan rate premiums and discounts were calculated based on market valuations […]

Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority website or MSASBDA

Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority announces funding of projects

The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority announced it has invested more than $2 million in projects that increase the distribution and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel in the State of Missouri. Expenses incurred during the construction, installation, upgrade, or retrofit of fuel dispensers/pumps, storage tanks, and other infrastructure located in Missouri […]

Easter Egg Hunt

Jamesport Lions Club to host Easter Egg Hunt

The Jamesport Lions Club sponsors an Easter Egg Hunt at the Jamesport City Park on April 16th. Participants will search for eggs donated by local businesses starting at 1 p.m. There will be four age groups including three years old and younger, preschool through first grade, second and third grade, and fourth through sixth grade. […]

Loren Ray Parkhurst

Obituary & Services: Loren Ray Parkhurst

Loren Ray Parkhurst, 89, Eagleville, MO, passed away Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at a Des Moines, IA hospital. He was born on July 24, 1932, the son of Orville and May (Hunsicker) Parkhurst. He was the second of six children. Loren attended grade school at a country school just a few miles from home. He […]

Ozarks Technical Community College website

Trenton High School Principal Kasey Bailey resigns, accepts position with Ozarks Technical Community College

Trenton High School Principal Kasey Bailey has announced his plans after the Trenton R-9 Board of Education accepted his resignation on April 12th. Bailey says he will be the Regional Director of College and Career Advisors for Ozarks Technical Community College based in Springfield. The position will be housed at North Central Missouri College. Bailey […]

North Mercer School District Website V1

North Mercer Board of Education reorganizes after election, offers contracts to staff

The North Mercer R-3 Board of Education offered contracts for a principal, a Communication Arts teacher, and non-certified staff members April 11th. Wade Hall was offered the contract for the district’s preschool through 12th grade principal. He is currently the Jamesport High School/Middle School principal. Cassie Moore was offered the contract for seventh through 12th […]


Missouri Corn Scholarship recipients announced

The Missouri Corn Growers Association and Missouri Corn Merchandising Council are proud to announce the 2022 Missouri Corn Scholarship recipients. Each student will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship to contribute to their college education.  Missouri high school seniors and college students entering their senior year pursuing a degree in agronomy or related field were eligible. Candidates […]

TMS Students of the Month April 2022

Trenton Middle School announces Students of the Month

The following students have been selected as April 2022 students of the month at Trenton Middle School for the character trait “Sense of Humor.” 5th grade: Jerielle Stark, daughter of Michelle & Aaron Stark Ross Maloney, son of Bridget & Rob Maloney 6th grade: Addison Todd, daughter of Mercedes West & Derrick Todd Samuel Ledbetter, […]

Buddy Hannaford Final

Obituary: Buddy “Edward Gaines” Hannaford

Buddy “Edward Gaines” Hannaford, age 78, died peacefully after a brief illness April 5, 2022, in The Living Center in Marshall, Missouri. A Celebration of Buddy’s Life will be held at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, April 14, 2022, at First Christian Church, 130 N. Jefferson Ave., Marshall, MO  65340.  Rev. Randal DeMasters will officiate.  Burial will […]

Landes Oil Jamesport

Landes Oil in Jamesport to receive funding to increase availability of biodiesel

An area business will receive funds from the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to increase the availability of biodiesel blends B6 or higher. Landes Oil Incorporated of Jamesport will receive $95,464.87 for the installation of an above-ground biodiesel storage tank and blending controller equipment to allow for sales of higher biodiesel blends. The […]

Missouri Treasurer's Financial Literacy Portal website

Missouri State Treasurer kicks off Financial Literacy Month with new resources for Missourians

Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick recognized April as Financial Literacy Month, a month dedicated to promoting the importance of financial literacy and financial education. The Treasurer kicked off the month by announcing that new free resources for Missourians are now available on the Financial Literacy Portal. These engaging resources include helpful and concise articles on […]