The 8th Fighter Wing, better known as the Wolf Pack, is dedicated to its mission to "Defend the Base, Accept Follow-on Forces, Take the Fight North" as a force multiplier for the Pacific Air Forces and the "Fight Tonight" mission.

In order to help all understand the Wolf Pack's mission, the 8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office is dedicated to fostering open and honest communication with in all forms, as well as with internal and external audiences. 

The 8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office strategically engages with appropriate audiences to increase public awareness and understanding of the mission, policies, operations and programs of the Air Force. Specifically, when engaging with the local community, 8 FW/PA’s primary focus is to maintain a reputation as a good neighbor and partner to our Republic of Korea counterparts. The 8 FW/PA team will provide support to the community outreach program at the discretion of the PA chief.

Submit PA support requests to the 8 FW/PA email account at [email protected] at least 5 duty days in advance of the event. Requests for photo and video support should be submitted with a completed Air Force Form 833 attached. Advance notice provides PA the ability to ensure the necessary equipment and personnel are available. Failure to coordinate in advance will reduce the likelihood that PA can support the event. Consumer-grade still and video equipment is available for self-help use on a first-come, first-served basis when the PA staff is already scheduled to support higher or equal priority tasks.

All media and community requests should be submitted to the Public Affairs Office by using the drop down below.

In the mean time, if you would like to understand more about the Wolf Pack visit our news and photo pages on the website or visit our Defense Video Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS) page by clicking here.

For Media Queries email us at [email protected]

*Note* The above link is for media queries ONLY. Non media query requests using the format above will not be responded to. For non-media query requests, email us directly at [email protected].

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday

Official Photos
By appointment only.
Call 782-4106 to schedule

Studio Hours:
Head and Shoulders:

Monday 0900-1100, 1300-1600 
Thursday: 0900-1100

Full length and official passport:
Thursday: 1300-1600 

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