Weather Notes

Astronomy Update

The Lyrid meteor shower is this weekend, but clouds and rain will make any stargazing tough.

Astronomy Update

Spring starts this week which will bring longer days, and the full moon will keep the nights bright.

Astronomy Update

Mornings will be cold until this weekend, but a few planets are visible along the horizon.

Astronomy Update

Planets are easier to spot this week than they have been in months.  Be sure to look for Mercury on the horizon again.

Astronomy Update

Cold temperatures will make it hard to spend much time outside, but warmer air next week will help a lot.

Astronomy Update

Warmer temperatures next week will make it easier to head outside and spot Venus and Mars.

Astronomy Update

Temperatures will be especially cold this week, but the moon will be bright in the night sky.

Astronomy Update

All of the inner planets are visible this week, but with how many clouds we have they will be hard to spot.

Astronomy Update

The Quadrantid Meteor Shower occurs this week, but with how cold temperatures will be it might be easier to spot another shower later this year.

Astronomy Update

The Winter Solstice coming this week means some of the shortest days of the year are just ahead.

Astronomy Update

Temperatures will be warm for mid-December which will make it much easier to spot planets and a meteor shower this week.

Categories: Weather Notes