Britain’s favourite chocolate bar has been revealed - but did your favourite crack the top 10 list?

In a recent survey, chocolate lovers voted Cadbury's Dairy Milk as top of the chocs.

It pushed rival Galaxy into second place while Snickers took third spot.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange made its debut in the top 10 while Wispa, Crunchie and Bounty also featured.

While Dairy Milk was the outright winner across all age groups, when it came to second choice there was a generational split with 18 to 35-year-olds preferring Chocolate Orange while the over 55s voted for Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut.

According to a survey of 2,000 adults by Prodigy Snacks, women were bigger chocoholics than men with 39% declaring they could never give up the treat compared with 28% of fellas who said they were unable to live without it.

Sameer Vaswani, founder of plant based Prodigy Snacks, said: "It’s clear from the results that Brits have a love affair with chocolate yet many also want to be a bit healthier next year.

"There are now healthier chocolate options that taste great and are made with natural ingredients."

Britain's top 10 favourite chocolate bars

  1. Dairy Milk
  2. Galaxy
  3. Snickers
  4. Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut
  5. Kit Kat
  6. Terry’s Chocolate Orange
  7. Wispa
  8. Crunchie
  9. Bounty
  10. Dairy Milk Caramel

Do you agree or should a different chocolate bar make the list? Let us known in our comments section below.

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