Welcome and Farewell, at least for now
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Dr Rimple Mehta from Jadavpur University, India and Dr Gabriella Sanchez from University of Texas at El Paso, as the new book review editors. They will be taking over from Dr Ines Hasselberg while she is on maternity leave. Ines is not only about to welcome a new addition to her family, but is also changing jobs. She has left Oxford and will shortly take up a new post at the University of Lisbon, thereby greatly reducing her carbon footprint! Good luck Ines and we hope the baby sleeps through the night ridiculously early!
As ever Border Criminologies welcomes suggestions for themed weeks, books and events for review and topics to discuss. As an international research network, we are keen to represent discussions and debates occurring around the world, so please do get in touch.