FLUX: Air "Tales of the Invısible" (Ongoıng) is a series of video art works, narrating tales from diverse landscapes, documenting the element “Air”; a depiction of the mind and the search of a state of “Consciousness”;
an effortless disposition of being Weightless and Unbounded.
FLUX: Water "In Pursuit of Balance" (Ongoıng) is a series of video art works, narrating tales from diverse landscapes, documenting the way of the “Water” element, a depiction of the mind and the search of a state of “Consciousness”; an effortless disposition of being in the Here and Now.
FLUX : On The Road (2o23) is a story of Attachment and Detachment.
It is the journey of two wanderers, crossing paths, falling in love and falling apart, repeatedly; a continuous loop of encounters beyond timelines and lifespans, and finally realizing the illusion of the duality of being “me” and “you”:
There is only being part of a whole. Being one.
FLUX: Water (2o22) is a narrative on constant change and balance. Inaction in action. The process of flowing.
A continuous loop of moving inward and outward is inviting the audience to get on the stage, to flow together.
ORADA (2o24) meaning 'there' in Turkish, is an audiovisual work inspired by the repetitive nature of dialogues and behavioural dynamics within relationships. The piece explores the dialogue of pure togetherness in the moment. The solo cello piece interweaves seamlessly with the visual narrative, each transcending the other in an sensory juxtaposition. Although they exist independently, they effortlessly synchronise within the same temporal space, seeking to communicate their inner thoughts, which reside not here but there, in the realm of 'orada'. Repetition, in its purest form, becomes a surface for re-imagination through this symbiotic relationship between sound and image.

Into The Wild is an ongoing collection of photographs of wilderness, from different parts of the world, from different landscapes, seasons and cultures, from Cambodia, Greece, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States, from the desert, the mountains, the jungle, the ocean, the sea and the air.
Indian Dreams is a collection of photographs collected during an unforgettable journey through the "Land of Diversity".
Dissociation is the narrative of a young woman in pursuit of the meaning of existence.
Each of the bodies tell the story of her fragmented states of mind, trying to find a way out from her thoughts, depicted by an utter darkness, finally breaking away, falling, surrendering, nourishing and giving birth to herself, reconstructing, abstracting and finding her other self.
Circus Freaks is welcoming its guests with #1 Greatest Shows in the World!
It is an endless collection of illustrations, because The Circus Never Sleeps!
Aerialists, Magicians, Horses, Elephants, Jugglers, Performances and many more to come!

Nightmares & Dreamscapes, is an ongoing collection of illustrations and digital paintings, inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's quote;
“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream”