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What are the different lights on runway?

Runway is a long rectangular strip on the ground with a hard surface where an aircraft can land and take off at an airport. It is built by using often asphalt, concrete, or a mixture of both.

Lights on Runway:

1) Runway End Lights:

These lights are combination of both red and green colors and these lights visible at the both ends of the runway. Red lights visible from the inner side of the runway to notify the runway ending point and green lights are visible from the other side to notify the runway starting point.

2) Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL):

Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) are angled towards approach direction and these are flashing lights to make it possible for the pilots to identify the runway from distance.

3) Runway Edge Lights:

These are the white lights that visible on the both runway edges. At the end of the runway these lights will be in yellow color to alert the pilots that, they are approaching to the end of the runway.

4) Center line Lights:

These are the white colored lights that are visible along the center line of the runway. Coming closer to the runway end these lights starts changing into alternative red and white colors and by the end, it completely changes into red color.

5) Taxiway lead on/ lead off lights:

These are alternative green and yellow colored lights that connects from runway center line lights and continues throughout the center line of the taxiway. These lights guides the pilots to enter the taxiway from runway and vice-versa.

6) Touchdown Zone lights:

As name suggests these lights helps the pilots to identify the touchdown zone of the runway. Touchdown lights are the group of 3 white colored lights visible on the both sides of the center line lights.

7) Approach Lighting System:

These system of lights extends the center line of the runway. This can be in various formats.

It has a decision bar, by which pilots will make their decision whether to continue the landing or take a go-around. It also has a strobe lights which are also a flashing lights that shows the direction of the runway. These lights starts from the starting point of approach lighting system and ends by the decision bar.

8) Displaced Threshold Lights:

Red colored lights that looks similar to the runway edge lights and landing zone lights.

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Apr 11, 2023

Very good and valuable information provided in this post about Runway lighting.

Learn From Hima
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