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    Legacy IAS Academy - Head Office

    Address: #1535, 39th Cross Rd, Kottapalya, 4th T Block East, Jayanagara 9th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560041

    Legacy IAS Academy - Enquiry Office

    Address: #1538/20, 39th Cross, 24th Main, 4th T Block, Jayanagar Bangalore, Karnataka 560041

    Email Address​

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    Chandra layout




    Batch Size: Maximum 40 Students in a batch. Making more interactions possible


    Past Results: 55+ in last 3 years (under private guidance)

    The reason behind the success of LEGACY IAS is its principle of maintaining Teacher to Student ratio. It is 1 teacher for every 9 students. It marks a sea change in tutoring for IAS, as more emphasis is given to interactions. This is further facilitated by the fact that students are mentored and guided by Ex-bureaucrats, Academicians and Experienced Faculties.

    With great ambience and location in Jayanagar, Legacy IAS provides far better amenities than most institutes. Library facility with enough reference books is a wonderful facility. They guide you at every step. This is possible just because of the fact that the faculties stay back at the institute, who can be approached at any point for getting the doubts cleared.

    Another plus is the focus on revision before both the prelims and mains.


    Optional Courses: Expertise in Public Administration, Psychology, Political Science, Anthropology and Sociology


    Demo Classes: Any class can be attended by the candidate as a Demo class. All faculties are equally good. So, they do not have a specific Demo class


    Guest Sessions: Alumni Officers of this institute and Retired officers often visit this institute. Works as a source of motivation for students


    Doubt Clearance: Faculties always present at the institute and separate doubt clearance sessions


    Connectivity: Jayanagar, relatively quieter and the heart of the city, is where this institute is located. Metro station is close-by and Public Bus transport is extremely good.


    Hostel & PG facilities: Enough PGs for both boys and girls in the close vicinity. Discount would be availed for those mentioning Legacy’s name

    Library Facility: This facility is outstanding. Quiet, Clean, enough to study. Separate cubicles for each student with free Wi-Fi access


    Admission Process:

    Many students in the past haven’t been able to enter this institute because they had an entrance test. Now there is no such requirement now. And to ease the admission process, one can call the institute and get registered by paying a token fee. This would block the seat and the registration fee will be deducted from the final fee.


    Coaching Schedule:

    Given that they have only 3 batches (weekday) per year and 2 batches (Weekend) per year, they make themselves amply available to provide maximum amount of time for every subject. Batches roughly start in January, May/June and September. All these are foundation courses.

    Syllabus completion along with Optional Subject would take 11 months. Class duration for Weekday batches is 2.5 hours/day from Monday-Friday and for Weekend batches it is 6 hours/day on Saturdays and Sundays.