Lehigh Valley Opinion
Tom Moran: Trump can issue orders. But he can’t make us obey them.
Ben Franklin warned that democracy is fragile. Trump is proving him right.
Is that article stolen? Why media companies are suing an AI company | Opinion
This is not an anti-AI lawsuit. We love technology, but only if it respects intellectual property. What is urgently needed is what every market needs: Reinforcement of legal protections against theft.
My 6 favorite Express-Times photos that capture the Lehigh Valley | Hindash
A look at my favorite photos that represent my area of coverage around the Lehigh Valley in The Express-Times over the years.
A career blossomed out of an intimidating news internship in ‘78 | Letter
Editor Bruce Frassinelli summoned me into his office and told me I should consider another career, she writes.
Writing about motherhood among highlights of a decade in the newsroom | Letter
I will always have a fond place in my heart for The Express-Times and the many stories, former features writer says.
The Express-Times was a serious but fun training ground for a young reporter | Letter
You were guaranteed two things each day at The Express-Times: a good story and a good laugh
When The Express-Times was your wallpaper to the world | Letter
She remembers the former editor hanging the daily editions of The Express-Times and its competitors on his office walls.
These moments during my Express-Times career forever changed me | Letter
Our former city editor writes of losing her father and two colleagues during her five-year tenure.
Celebrity interviews were memorable, but special-ed stories effected real change | Letter
My years taught me invaluable lessons about how local, state and federal governments work or sometimes don’t work as they should, former staff writer says.
Nothing glamorous about The Express-Times newsroom, but it was never about that | Letter
Those journalists cared as much about the quality of their work as they did about the communities they covered, former assistant managing editor writes.
Recalling the sense of finality after putting each day’s newspaper to bed at night | Letter
To the soundtrack of a police scanner, I spent nights being taught how to pull wires, tone photos, and use a pica stick, former editor writes.
An era at the newspaper when ‘suck’ offended our more gentle readers | Letter
She learned the journalistic trade with paper map books, phone books and desktop computers.