Wheatley Bowls Club is looking forward to holding its annual competition Open Day on Sunday 7th July at the bowling green in South Wheatley.
The competition will operate as leagues rather than knock-out, so you are guaranteed to get a number of games, and is open to teams of three bowlers each with two woods. The event is being sponsored by RULA Developments Ltd and the total prize money will be £300.
The cost of entry is £15.00 per team and includes a free hot drink for each player.
Food and refreshments will be available to purchase all day. The barbecue will be on from 9.00am serving sausage and bacon rolls. A buffet of savoury and sweet items, including the club’s famous trifles, will be available from 11.00am. Play starts at 10.00am.
There will also be a raffle, a tombola, a spot the jack competition and more. All funds raised are used to support club facilities.
For application forms and further details, contact Mary Ward on 01427 884778 or email [email protected].
Meanwhile, if you are not ready for competition but are looking to play bowls with a relaxed and friendly club, why not go down to a roll-up on a Saturday afternoon at 1.45pm? Alternatively, the club also holds Open Sessions on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month at 6.00pm, aimed at inexperienced or new players.
The club is very pleased to welcome experienced and / or new players and can provide tuition and some equipment. Club sessions are informal and members only dress in whites for matches. Just wear flat shoes with little grip to protect the green.
There is no pressure to join straight away but if you are interested the first year’s membership is a bargain at £25.00.