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In recent decades we have seen the restoration of the Teaching, Evangelistic, Pastoral, and Prophetic ministries. But now we are seeing the prophetic stirring of the Apostolic anointing.
The Apostolic LEADERS Series(ALS) is designed to explore and discover the necessity of this dimension for today's church. Until the Apostolic foundation is restored the efforts of the church will continue to be marginalized. Join us weekly for discourse that is designed to reveal the intent of Christ for the New Testament church.
We invite you as an apostolic, New Testament believer Leader to share in these settings.
For participation, please send an email to asls@tlc-intl.org and a member of our team will register you.
Schedule: Mondays via Zoom at 6:45 pm EST
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Life Center International Ministries of Charlotte, NC values the calling and the destiny of all people. As a servant-focused ministry, our joy, is to see you discover Jesus at a level that transforms your life and the communities where you live, work and play.
We’ve got some great information for you that will help you make the most of your visit. In the midst of a growing and vibrant church family we offer two weekly Sunday Gatherings at 8:45 am & 11:15 am, this is in addition to special periods of small group meetings. Our greeters will welcome you at the door and you will be seated next to other visitors and members. So please get to know your neighbors; we have people who join us from all over weekly.