Developing a Heart of Giving

What attitude do you think would make the world a better place?

While there might be other answers to this question, I believe that a key attitude is the attitude of giving.

You see, almost everything that we read or hear is about getting: getting more money, reputation, or something else. Only occasionally do we read or hear about giving. That’s why I’d like to write about it today. I still have a lot to learn, but I’d like to share what I’ve learned so far with you.

Why You Should Develop a Heart of Giving

The main reason for developing a heart of giving is that it makes the world a better place. Imagine how the world would be if everyone has a heart of giving:

  • Everyone will be able to reach their full potential, not just the lucky few. Everyone will be able to become all that they can be.
  • Everyone will feel loved. Why? Because they know that there are others who give to them sincerely.

It’s a wonderful world, isn’t it? It might sound idealistic, but I believe we can do our parts to make it happen.

How to Develop a Heart of Giving

How can we develop a heart of giving? Here are some tips.

1. Do simple acts of kindness. To develop a heart of giving, start with simple acts of kindness. Smile to others, say positive things or lend a helping hand. These are simple, but they could make someone else’s day.

2. Find a cause that matters to you. Sometimes we don’t feel the urge to give because we haven’t found something that resonates with our hearts. So take time to find your cause. What are the situations that bother you the most? What could you do about them?

3. Donate. You can’t develop a heart of giving without giving financially. So set aside some of your income to your cause and consider increasing the amount over time. But do it wisely (see below).

4. Volunteer. In addition to giving financially, you should consider giving your time. This allows you to make a difference directly. Moreover, it allows you to meet like-minded people with a similar cause to yours.

5. Keep no score. If you want to give, just give without keeping score. Don’t expect anything in return. Give them away.

6. Be wise. In giving as in other things in life, you need to be wise. There are cases that you should not help. For instance, someone might ask you for money as an easy solution to their problem. In such a case, “helping” them would do more harm than good in the long term.

7. Find approval from nobody. Don’t give to get an approval or praise from others. If you did, you aren’t actually giving; you are only trying to build your reputation.

8. Be cheerful. The important thing in giving is the attitude of your heart. If you give grudgingly, then it’s better for you not to give. If you want to give, give cheerfully. That’s how you know you have a heart of giving.


As I’ve written above, I still have a lot to learn. But developing a heart of giving is worth the effort. It will make the world a better place.

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  1. Good morning Mr Donald. God bless u always for your inspirational messages. Thank you sir

  2. You said you can’t have a heart of giving without giving financially. I think that’s wrong. I don’t think everything is about the money and the poor or rich people. Of course if you can AND you want to you should do it; but there are some others ways to help by example I wanna be a doctor and take care of people without investing money but my time on it.

    • Honestly, I can’t imagine having a heart of giving without giving financially. So much of what we hear today is about getting more money and keeping it for ourselves (‘materialism’ is a good word for it, I think). Giving financially is necessary to break this kind of mindset.

  3. Thank you Donald, I like this post and it is a good reminder. Especially in the western world at this time of the year. So much materialism, commercialism especially around Christmas season – which means buying things and you need more, more more money to do this. I like to remember that the message for Christmas is not even about all this buying…. but that is a whole other subject 🙂

  4. Bunyui John Njabi
    Bunyui John Njabi

    Thank you brother Donald . Your messages have always inspired and motivated me.
    ‘…love multiplies in giving and is embellished by receiving …’

  5. Beeeeeautiful Article, Donald.?? I believe there is no “cap” on what we can give, just as there is no limit to the recipient list! Have a Beautifully Blessed Day.? ?

  6. It was beautiful topic thancks

  7. Hi Donald,

    your messages give a lot of inspiration to me. Keep writing blogs.

  8. This is very interesting… Keep it up ?… More grease to your Elbows

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